Space to Think
+ Rules
Wish / ProblemWhy?-
+2| Benefitting everybody as much as possible : How can we benefit everybody as much as possible? Shouldn't our aim in society to benefit everybody?
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[Results]"I wish this thing be like that..."
Method / PrincipleHow?-
0■ A dive into reality, to implement distributed nets : Graph theory's tree structures provide implemented solutions for self-governing DAOs, bridging from mathematical principles to physical reality and back to practical social organization, enabling decentralized communities to evolve naturally while maintaining coherent structure.
+1| AI as Quantum Gravity Machine, Implementation of Distributed AI Network-spicetime : we develop a DiAI network called spicetime, a distributed framework for self governance and economic sustainability, rooted in ethics, community oriented, culture agnostic, domain driven
0| City Skates Standard : Swappable Body Vehicles standard for car bodies swappable in minutes, for modern city life, and private car body ownership.
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[Results]"I found a way this could work..."
+ Rules
Work / ActivityWhat?-
0| ARC Regenerative Communities : Restoration of right relationship between one another and the living earth; ultimately the abolition of the concept of property and extractive capitalism.
-2.2| Hivica : Planetary habitation vehicle (PHV). To help people live directly on planets, free from housing.
0| Multithreaded programming language, compiler and interpreter : Build an interpreter, build a compiler that targets the interpreter
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[Results]"Here's what I did, and will do next..."
People had been concerned about the preservation of authenticity, and proof of time of existence of their ideas, before the time when an insecure browser and the web could peep into.
Proof-posting works with most of the known blockchains, and you can even enter a custom blockchain of your own.
Improved the feeds summary a bit.
To increase the signal-to-noise ratio for first-time visitors of the home page, I have hidden menus, and compacted operations, so as to let the eyes focus on content.
However, apparently, some people didn't like it, because it is not clear what to do, so, I mostly reverted the change.
It is now possible to lock targets, create teasers for investment, and share them with potential interested parties.
I implemented a hash that takes previous data and current column and the previous hash to produce a hash of the entire database.
This allows us to synchronize with the minimum of data transmissions when I write the synchronizer part which shall rehash all its own data, then retrieve the hash of a binary search of the sorted data.
News / ReportsWhen?-
Simple Decimal Calendar : Unix days make for a good decimal calendar.
Observation about NNs : NN is just a class of hierarchical mathematical function compositions as functions with large number of parameters.
Happy 19-th Unix dYear! : The 19000th Unix day.
[Results]"Here's what's happening, you might want to know..."
4 dweeks 3 days ago @ AI as Quantum Gravity Machine, Implementation of Distributed AI Network-spicetime
4 dweeks 5 days ago @ AI as Quantum Gravity Machine, Implementation of Distributed AI Network-spicetime
47 dweeks 9 days ago @ Benefitting everybody as much as possible
48 dweeks 5 days ago @ Partial Space Elevator
70 dweeks 7 days ago @ Benefitting everybody as much as possible