A place for relax, fun, opinionated discussions. You can think of this place, like a living museum of human art of questioning, solving and executing -- here you can find people's quests, ideas and activities, where you can come to add a little piece by piece for others to see, marvel, reflect, and act upon.
The site itself is a form of art and exploration, attempting to intentionally be a simple HTML templates-based Web 1.0-style website implementing a complete economic system in miniature, which we may or may not some day flesh out into a high-performance blockchain and high-scale microservices based one, or link up existing world's services into a seamless integrated experience prototyped here.
When to use it?
- When you have a problem, that needs new ideas.
→ Write a question (a problem domain, a class of goals), and share with our community of innovators. - When you have a bright idea, but don't have whom to consult about it.
→ Write an idea (a novel method or principle), and share with our community of critics. - When you have a favorite project, which you want to turn into a profession.
→ Write a project (a group of people with works and a mission), and share with our community of investors.Publish intermediary work results and expenses, and find mates, sponsors and investors to match or exceed them.
How Do I Write Categories? (=Questions)
Think of what you'd want, and if it is not in categories, describe it!
For example: "Artificial Meat", "Eco-Friendly Bags," "Flying Carpets," "Economic System That Frees Humanity from Unncessary Suffering and Pain."
Use wishful thinking, "wouldn't it be nice if?," and similar ways of thinking to come up with categories.
How Do I Write Ideas? (=Answers)
Think -- how would one actually do it? Found it? Describe how it would work!
For example: "Calf Serum Meat" - "Take an edible scaffold instead of petri dish, introduce newborn calf serum and myoblasts. Enjoy the fresh and cheap calf meat." (details follow)
Be specific and prescriptive. Remember -- "ideas are answers, not questions," and people here expect answers. So, do not add any questions to the Idea text.
Let others have the joy of questioning and bullet-proofing your idea with their imaginations, if what you are proposing is something really new and workable.
NB: Don't be afraid to write ideas, as long as you believe it they are even remotely workable, -- do it -- describe it, and let the community test the hypothesis through everyone's knowledge and thought experiments.
How to Write Projects? (=Progress)
Started to work on something? Write project to share status updates, investment, and business mechanics.
Describe your team, add business details of the project, and then gradually return to share your progress, results, costs and expenses.
You may be tempted to describe the idea right inside the project description. Avoid doing so. Link ideas, and describe the mission instead.
See the "Help" for more.
How Can I Support 0oo Existence?
You can become a patron of 0oo. Make a donation to our mother, WeFindX Foundation which is a company limited by guarantee registered in Ireland (Company Nr 569345). Official donations are accepted via a bank transfer to WeFindX Foundation, IBAN: IE57AIBK93104774696064, Sort Code: 931047, Account Number: 74696064. You can publicly share about that fact by registering a transfer on our project's page.
Other Ways to Get Involved in Our Activities
- E-Mail: io@wefindx.com
- Chat:
- Telegram (link),
- Discord (link).
- Calendar: