
Our members report about more interesting findings and events.

  • 2月火星探测月 (, +) [cn]

    阿拉伯联合酋长国的希望号空间探测器已经接近火星,预计在2月9号减速然后滑入环绕火星的轨道。希望号将研究火星低层大气层中的天气事件(例如沙尘暴)以及行星上不同区域的天气变化。 中国的天问1号(因为中文内容比英文内容更少,所以链接了英语维基)将于2月10日进入火星轨道,预计5月份释放携带漫游车的着陆器在火星北半球的乌托邦平原登陆。在这里可以追踪天问1号的轨道。 美国航空航天局(NASA)的毅力号(Perseverance)漫游车将于2月18日降落在火星北半球的杰泽罗陨石坑。杰泽罗陨石坑是位于伊希地平原的一个古代的陨石撞击坑,现有的探测表明那里有古代河流流入伊希地平原形成的现已干涸的三角洲。毅力号的主要任务是寻找那里古代微生物生命的痕迹。  ››

    [transiency] @ 2021-02-01 @02:39Z
  • The Strategy Ahead (, +) [en]

    Our direction remains unchanged from what it was described to be in the invitation letter. It includes: Creating Civilization DNA, the Super-Intelligence That We Are. The invitation letter in fact describes what we pursue quite clearly, and the 0oo project is feature-complete enough so that it can be the time to start inviting people to join it, and that is what I plan to do next: Make our self-introduction explicit. It is not good for inviting people to have a project, that has no good self-introduction of its creators. (=Credibility!) Make membership cards, so that we can sell memberships: (Titanium 10$/year, and Tantalum 5K$/year for organizations.). Use the invitation letter, invite people.  ››

    [Mindey] @ 2021-01-25 @14:03Z
  • 大小和密度无序的五行星在共振轨道上 (, +) [cn]

    TOI——TESS感兴趣的天体目标。TOI-178经TESS发现后,又由ESA的Cheops卫星进行了新的高精度观测,日内瓦大学Adrien Leleu研究小组的研究结果表明,TOI-178至少有六颗行星,这个外太阳系奇特的轨道配置和平均密度的多样性,提供行星形成的重要线索。 这六颗从超级地球到迷你海王星范围内的行星,半径范围为1.177±0.074至2.91±0.11地球半径,轨道周期为1.9、3.24、6.56、9.96、15.23、20.7天,除了最内侧的行星外,其余的行星都处于2:4:6:9:12拉普拉斯共振链中。行星密度为地球密度的0.91、0.9、0.15、0.39、0.58、0.19倍。最内侧的两颗很可能是岩石行星,其他行星可能保留了部分原始气体包层。可居住区的内部边界位于0.2AU左右,或者说周期40天左右。在拉普拉斯共振链外侧的行星可能会在宜居区内或非常接近宜居区的轨道上运行。目前的星历和质量估计表明,这是一个非常稳定的系统,拉普拉斯角在几十年内都会保持平衡。 天体运行周期有简单(小数值)的整数比时,定期施加的引力互相影响产生轨道共振。 Credit:ESO/L. Calçada 来源于ESO的视频显示了TOI-178系统中行星的轨道和运动。该系统的五颗行星在围绕恒星运行时,有一些模式会有节奏地重复,有些行星每隔几个周期就会对齐。视频给共振链中的每颗行星赋予一个音符(五音阶)来创造音调,当一颗行星完成一个全轨道或半轨道时,这个音符就会响起;当行星在其轨道上的这些点对齐时,它们就会共鸣。 除了轨道共振之外,d和f(行星编号从里向外依次为b、c、d、e、f、g)这两颗行星特别有趣,因为它们的密度与邻近行星的密度有很大的不同,而且它们偏离了行星密度随平衡温度降低而降低的一般趋势。在TOI-178系统中,行星d和f的密度很难从形成和蒸发过程的角度来理解,并且可能难以通过行星系统形成模型来重现。一边是行星密度的明显无序,另一边是轨道结构的高度有序,这将是行星系统形成模型的一个挑战。  ››

    [transiency] @ 2021-01-25 @12:00Z
  • 两个系外行星 (, +) [cn]

    开普勒和TESS都用凌日法探测太阳系外行星。 三体行星KOI-5Ab: KOI-5Ab是开普勒任务发现的第二个行星候选者。但开普勒任务后来发现了2394颗系外行星和2365颗系外行星候选者,KOI-5Ab差点被遗忘,直到2018年TESS任务对它重新观测。加州理工学院IPAC的NASA系外行星科学研究所(NExScI)首席科学家David Ciard重新分析了所有数据,证实了KOI-5Ab是一颗行星。KOI-5Ab大约是土星质量的一半,围绕一对较近的双星(恒星B和恒星A)旋转。恒星A和恒星B每30年相互绕轨道运行一次。第三颗受重力约束的恒星(恒星C)每400年绕着恒星A和B旋转一次。 古老的岩石行星TOI-561b: “超级地球”,比地球大50%,离恒星太近,表面温度2000K,它的密度与岩石相当,它的恒星TOI-561年龄在100亿年以上。一般认为宇宙早期的恒星周围没有重元素,重元素由大质量恒星演化后期超新星爆发产生。 “TOI-561b是迄今发现的最古老的岩石行星之一,”夏威夷大学博士后兼团队负责人Lauren Weiss说。“它的存在表明,自从140亿年前诞生以来,宇宙就一直在形成岩石行星。” TOI-561是离地球86秒差距远的类太阳恒星,在银河系厚盘中的多行星系统。  ››

    [transiency] @ 2021-01-12 @11:05Z
  • 盖亚任务第三期数据公布 (, +) [cn]

    欧洲空间局(ESA)的盖亚航天器,通过测量恒星的视差来测量恒星的距离,用光谱仪测量恒星的径向速度。上个月盖亚发布了第三期早期数据,超过18亿个光源的详细信息,供任何人查看和研究。 ESA盖亚项目科学家Jos de Bruijne说:“新的Gaia数据有望成为天文学家的宝库。” Adam G. Riess等科学家的论文根据第三期数据和哈勃望远镜的数据校准哈勃常数的测量值为73.0+/-1.4km/sec/Mpc。哈勃常数是量化宇宙膨胀速度的参数,单位是千米每秒每百万秒差距。不同的方法测量到的哈勃常数值有差异。 芝加哥大学和卡内基天文台的宇宙学家巴里·马多雷(Barry Madore)和温蒂·弗里德曼(Wendy Freedman)希望在一月份发布他们小组对宇宙膨胀率的新的、改进的度量。对宇宙学家来说,最重要的是,盖亚的新数据包括了特殊恒星,它们的距离是测量所有更远宇宙学距离的标尺。正因为如此,新数据迅速地使现代宇宙学中最大的难题变得尖锐起来:宇宙意外地快速膨胀,即所谓的哈勃争论。  ››

    [transiency] @ 2021-01-12 @10:00Z
  • mRNA疫苗 (, +) [cn]

    普通疫苗将一种减弱或灭活的病毒注入我们体内以触发免疫反应。mRNA疫苗则不使用会导致COVID-19的活病毒。mRNA疫苗不影响我们的DNA或通过任何方式与其互动,mRNA永远不会进入细胞核,而细胞核是我们的DNA(基因物质)被保存的地方。 COVID-19 mRNA疫苗为我们的细胞提供指导,使其能够制造一种无害的“刺突蛋白”(这种刺突蛋白存在于导致COVID-19的病毒表面),从而触发我们体内的免疫反应。如果真正的病毒进入我们的身体,这种免疫反应可以保护我们免受感染。 COVID-19 mRNA疫苗在上臂肌肉进行注射。一旦指令(mRNA)进入免疫细胞,免疫细胞就会利用它们来制造蛋白质片段。蛋白质片段形成后,细胞会分解并去除mRNA。 接着细胞将蛋白质片段显示在其表面。我们的免疫系统认识到蛋白质不属于那里,并开始建立免疫反应和制造抗体,就像自然感染COVID-19时发生的情况一样,最后我们的身体学会如何防止未来的感染。 来源: 中文 English: Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines 延伸阅读:迈阿密的妇产科医生迈克尔·格雷戈里博士,接种COVID-19疫苗两个星期后死于免疫性血小板减少症。COVID-19疫苗针对的是SARS-CoV-2病毒的刺突或S蛋白。即使可能在S蛋白上存在某种抗原,使免疫系统将其与血小板混淆,但这种情况极为罕见。  ››

    [transiency] @ 2020-12-18 @12:00Z
  • 基本常数的最高精度测量 (, +) [cn]

    有史以来对精细结构常数最精确的测量,对预测 "黑暗地带"粒子存在的理论提出了新的限制。法国的研究人员利用冷铷原子云测得的新数值,对粒子物理学标准模型进行了严格的检验,同时也进一步限制了暗物质(据信占我们宇宙中90%以上)的特性。 精细结构常数%%\alpha%%是几个物理量(包括电动力学中的电荷%%e%%和相对论中的光速%%c%%)的组合,它们共同描述电磁相互作用的强度。这使得%%\alpha%%在宇宙中无处不在。因为它是一个无量纲数,从某种意义上说,它比物理常数如引力强度或普朗克常数%%\hbar%%更基本,后者的变化取决于它们被测量的单位。 电磁相互作用微弱。 相对较低的%%\alpha%%值(大约等于%%1/137%%)意味着电磁相互作用较弱。其主要后果是电子的轨道与其原子有一定的距离,因此它们可以自由地形成化学键并形成分子。这种属性使物质和能量能够形成恒星和行星。事实上,一些物理学家认为,我们的存在完全归功于%%\alpha%%的精确值,因为如果%%\alpha%%稍大或稍小,恒星可能无法合成碳等较重的元素,我们所知道的生命也就不会存在。 对%%\alpha%%值的精确测量,使我们有可能严格测试基本粒子之间的关系。这些关系由构成粒子物理学标准模型的方程描述,模型的预测和实验观测之间的任何差异可能提供新物理学的证据。 确定原子的反冲速度。 测量%%\alpha%%通常从确定原子吸收光子时的强烈反冲力开始。这种反冲力的动能(或其速度)揭示了原子的质量。接下来,使用原子质量与电子质量的精确已知比率计算电子的质量。最后根据电子的质量和氢原子的结合能计算%%\alpha%%,其值同样是由光谱测量所熟知的。 巴黎Kastler Brossel实验室的Saïda Guellati-Khélifa领导的研究人员在真空室中将铷原子冷却到绝对零度以上几度。然后利用激光脉冲创造了原子的两种状态的量子叠加。第一种状态对应的是吸收光子时反冲的原子,第二种状态对应的是不反冲的原子。 每种类型原子的两种可能版本沿着不同的路径在实验中传播。然后,研究人员应用第二组激光脉冲来"重新连接"叠加的两半。 吸收光子后原子反冲的越多,越与不反冲的自身版本不同相。通过测量这种差异,Guellati-Khélifa和同事们提取了原子的质量,然后用它来确定精细结构常数。他们的结果表明,%%\alpha%%的精度为%%1/137.035999206(11)%%,其精度为万亿分之81,比上一个里程碑精确了2.5倍,该里程碑是由美国加州大学伯克利分校的Holger Müller及其同事在2018年取得的。 《自然》杂志报道了这项新的测量结果,与2018年伯克利实验中获得的数值相差七位数。这一结果令巴黎研究人员感到惊讶,因为这意味着其中一个或两个测量值有目前未知的误差。然而,这两组测量结果确实与与根据电子的所谓%%g%%因子的精确测量结果(与电子的磁矩有关)计算出的%%\alpha%%值非常一致。在一篇相关的《新闻与观点》文章中,穆勒指出,巴黎的结果"证实电子没有亚结构,是真正的基本粒子"。  ››

    [transiency] @ 2020-12-16 @10:30Z
  • 旅行者号新消息 (, +) [cn]

    航行43年后仍在发回新消息。 离地球家园最远的游子,太阳系边缘的旅行者1号和2号,渐渐关闭了他们的大部分仪器,但是还有几个仪器在工作: 1.磁场仪(MAG) 2.低能带电粒子仪(LECP) 3.宇宙射线仪(CRS) 4.等离子体仪(PLS) 5.等离子体波仪(PWS) 6.紫外光谱仪子系统(UVS),仅旅行者1号 科学家利用这些仪器发回的数据进行的科学研究,使我们渐渐临近太阳系之外的星际空间现场。 由爱荷华大学领导的一组物理学家报告说,首次发现了由太阳大爆发引起的冲击波加速的宇宙射线电子爆发。旅行者1号和旅行者2号航天器上的仪器进行的探测是在旅行者继续穿越星际空间的旅程时发生的,这使他们成为第一个在星际空间中记录这种独特现象的技术。  ››

    [transiency] @ 2020-12-13 @02:53Z
  • 开发紧凑型聚变发电站 (, +) [cn]

    "社区迫切希望在能够影响气候变化的时间尺度上推进核聚变电站,"加州大学洛杉矶分校的核聚变物理学家特洛伊-卡特(Troy Carter)说,"我们必须要开始了。" 美国能源部的聚变能源科学(FES)主要资助磁约束聚变的研究,其中将离子化的气体或等离子体压缩并加热,直到原子核融合并释放能量。但它也支持等离子物理学方面的较小工作,例如使用大功率激光来重现恒星中的等离子。在接下来的十年中,世界各地的聚变研究人员可能会全力以赴完成并运行ITER,这是法国南部正在建设的国际聚变反应堆。ITER是一种称为托卡马克(tokamak)的巨大的甜甜圈形装置,力图显示至2030年代后期聚变产生的能量比加热和挤压等离子体所产生的能量还多。但超过200亿美元的成本对于实际的发电厂而言太高了。因此,在ITER之后,美国核聚变研究人员希望利用更先进的技术(例如整个托卡马克的超级计算机模拟,3D打印以及由高温超导体制成的电磁线圈)来建造一个更小、更便宜的电厂。 新的融合路线图确定了技术差距和填补这些差距的近期设施(请参阅原文清单)。麦迪逊威斯康星大学的融合物理学家斯蒂芬妮·迪姆(Stephanie Diem)说:“通过将‘发电厂’确定为目标,可以在支持该任务的领域引发更多的研究。“ 例如在聚变电站中,大量高能中子会使材料退化,因此报告呼吁开发一种基于粒子加速器的中子源来测试新的中子源。 预算可能会紧张。等离子体物理学家想要新设备和升级设备,例如一种模拟太阳风的设备,如改善SLAC国家加速器实验室的petawatt激光器,以创造高能等离子体,从而可以用实验室的X射线激光进行探测。 推动核聚能源研究,改变世界。  ››

    [transiency] @ 2020-12-10 @21:58Z
  • 过氧化氢使肠道细菌远离结肠壁 (, +) [cn]

    加州大学戴维斯分校健康分校的科学家的研究于12月9日发表在《细胞宿主与微生物》(Cell Host and Microbe)杂志上,阐明了结肠中微生物在空间上的组织方式,还呼吁治疗肠道炎症的新方法。 大多数微生物都生活在大肠中,这是一种自然的低氧环境。它们组成了一个称为肠道菌群的社区。 这项研究的主要作者,医学微生物学和免疫学教授安德烈亚斯·鲍姆勒(Andreas Bäumler)说:“人体一半以上的微生物不能很好地耐受氧气。” 肠道菌群远离结肠表面。这种分离对于避免因对肠道微生物的不必要免疫反应而引起的炎症至关重要。科学家认为,细胞释放的氧气可以维持空间上的分隔,以防止微生物离肠壁太近。这项研究颠覆了这一理论。 “我们研究了肠道内细菌与其宿主结肠之间的空间关系。”Bäumler说。 “我们发现结肠内壁的细胞释放了过氧化氢,而不是氧气,从而限制了微生物的生长。” 用天然过滤器修复治疗肠道炎症,而非抗生素。 当人体的肠道微生物群落出现失衡时,就会出现肠道疾病——菌群失调。肠道菌群失调可能会引起炎症及恶心、胃部不适和腹胀等症状。治疗菌群失调的传统方法主要依靠使用抗生素或益生菌来靶向细菌。 新研究将肠道炎症治疗的重点从靶向细菌转到修复宿主的天然过滤器并恢复其功能。  ››

    [transiency] @ 2020-12-09 @21:43Z
  • 全球人造物质量开始超过所有生物量 (, +) [cn]

    2020年的地球:人类生产的所有材料(混凝土,钢材,沥青等)的已经增长到相当于地球上所有生命的质量,即生物量。根据魏茨曼科学研究所的一项新研究,我们正处于这个临界点,目前人类正以每20年翻一番的速度增加新的建筑、道路、车辆和产品,从而形成了一个 "混凝土丛林",预计到2040年,这个 "混凝土丛林 "的质量将达到两兆(即2亿亿)吨以上——也就是生物质量的两倍多。 今天发表在《自然》杂志上,由植物与环境科学系Ron Milo教授小组的Emily Elhacham和Liad Ben Uri进行的研究表明,在20世纪初,人类生产的 "人为质量 "只相当于总生物量的3%左右。我们是如何在一个多世纪的时间里从3%变成同等质量的呢?在这几年里,我们人类不仅人数增加了四倍,我们生产的东西也远远超过了人口增长的速度。今天,平均来说,全球每一个人 每周都会生产出比他们体重更大的人为质量。 Milo教授说:“这项研究表明,我们的全球足迹已超出我们的'鞋码'。我们希望,一旦大家看到眼前这些有些令人震惊的数字,作为一个物种,我们就能表现得更负责任。”  ››

    [transiency] @ 2020-12-09 @21:30Z
  • 引力波信号宝库 (, +) [cn]

    自从2015年首次检测到引力波以来,LIGO/VIRGO共检测到50次引力波事件,其中39个是新的第三次运行中检测到的,试验后半段的结果目前仍在分析中。有了如此多新信号,天文学家拥有涉及黑洞和中子星这些奇特物体的更多数据,更多发现即将出现。  ››

    [transiency] @ 2020-12-08 @02:38Z
  • SETI信号“ Wow! ”的来源 (, +) [cn]

    1977年8月15日,SETI望远镜发现了一个持续72秒断断续续的信号,强且清晰。天文台台长约翰·克劳斯(John Kraus)随后详细介绍了这一观测结果:"Wow!"信号强烈暗示着地球外的智能起源。但是后来他们检查该天区,没有发现类太阳恒星。直到最近该信号没有重复,也没有得到解释。 但是当代欧洲航天局的盖亚计划绘制的夜空地图精度比四十年前高得多,业余天文学家Alberto Caballero在盖亚星表的相同区域中搜索类太阳恒星,果然搜到了一颗:2MASS 19281982-2640123,1800光年远,在人马座。 Alberto Caballero的论文在这里 接下来,高精度照相机、光度计、多谱勒频谱仪们可以行动了。  ››

    [transiency] @ 2020-11-24 @02:55Z
  • Organizations as Tools (, +) [en]

    What we found on Earth, is a variety of organizations, made of people, that know how to operate equipment and tools to get things realized. The organizations were tied with monetary systems, made up of economic communities, running their currencies, forming a global economy. We decided, that while tools exist, and we could train our people to use them, it will be much more efficient to build a system that allows people to do it themselves: register operations (like transactions) of operators (like tools), and teach the world's other people to do similar operations as well, that way, accelerating the expression (realization) of the ideas, because, in a nutshell, as "tools-based education" idea speaks, it is through tools in the hands (and minds) of the billions, is how we can make true progress. For example, what separates someone from having no car prototype to having a working car prototype -- is the materials and tools with human time. Thinking, where and how are tools for making things distributed on Earth, and how our community members can get access to them to work towards important ideas, is essential. What's even more essential, is figuring out, who's passionate to work and on …  ››

    [Mindey] @ 2020-11-24 @02:36Z
  • Zero to Infinity (, +) [en]

    This marks the start of our community blog, and serves as a welcome post to all, as we embark on our journey towards the visions for the future. Let the Universe's journey from Nothing to Everything, or %%\mathit{0} \rightarrow \infty%% be inspirational. The purpose of this community is to collect great questions, ideas, projects, and related details about them, to make it easier for people to discover and participate in interesting ones, and to help inventors to put them into action at scale with minimal effort of their own. Too many ideas had not reached their potential because of the disconnect between inventors and business. There are great ideas that have been conceived 20 or 30 years ago, could have been realized and contributed immensely to humanity's progress, but are not realized even today, simply because there was nobody who had seriously cared about getting them to get them implemented. What we aim here, is to get the journeys from conception to mass production ("zero to infinity") much easier, more transparent, educational, fair and fun for all. Imagine that we -- the members of this base -- are the individuals that come from the other worlds, and we …  ››

    [Mindey] @ 2020-11-24 @02:34Z
  • Hash Pill (, +) [en]

    Fact is, you are a unique information pattern in the world, defined by your mind, rather than just your private key.How do you prove that you are you? In mathematics, there is often a large number of ways to prove a fact if that fact is a universal truth. For example, there is a large number of ways to prove Pythagoras theorem. If something is true, you can look at it from many angles and arrive at the same conclusion. However, in cryptography, this hardly true. If you had lost your private key, you cannot access your assets, or decrypt messages, even if there is other strong evidence that they are yours. The ability to prove things is critical to creating a world of fair credit and access to information. If you had ever lost a password, or wallet of bitcoin or other digital currency, or simply your data locked under your encryption key, you know how unforgiving is the fact that you only have one way to prove facts. For example, you may have proofs such as transaction records in other databases, governmental records and legal bank transactions, even people's memories, but that all doesn't count to recover …  ››

    [Mindey] @ 2018-04-27 @00:00Z
  • Escaping Entropic Black Hole Together (, +) [en, cn]

    People die, civilizations and cultures are taken over or forget their past, our genomes decompose or are disrupted by radiation, pollution in our environments, diseases; our neural networks forget, or eventually suffer from degradation. The common enemy of humankind and all life is entropy. Contrarily, our common goal is attaining information. The below is an information-theoretic and physical interpretation of these circumstances, and a number of ideas to help us achieve our common goal. The Black Hole When famously Newton saw an apple fall, he didn't notice one thing -- it fell not just towards the ground. It fell from past to the future. What force pulled it into the future? According to an interpretation of the existing evidence we are indeed falling into a "black hole", - not gravitational, but entropic (if not black hole, then at least an entropic well). Information as we know it, is the substance that reduces the uncertainty about an information source. When a coin (information source) is spinning in the air, and you don't know if it will land heads or tails, it is said to have "entropy" (randomness) about the outcome, and when it lands (and you observe the outcome), you …  ››

    [Mindey] @ 2017-01-03 @00:00Z
  • Why Inverse Insurance Matters? (, +) [en]

    "If something's important enough you should try. Even if the probable outcome is failure." In other words, -- if value is large, the expected value is still large, even if the probability is small. Unfortunately, today, insurance industry is only considering the bad things of low probability that are important enough, not the good things. We insure against catastrophes, ill health, and car accidents. We don't insure ourselves from the extremely good things that could happen -- namely, from what would happen if we didn't miss an important invention or technological breakthrough. What happens if coming up with a viable cryoprotectant is 5 years earlier than it would be otherwhise without the inverse insurance incentive? What happens if emergency vascular pump is brought a year earlier than it would be without an incentivize? These questions can be answered based on general statistics. 150K people die every day, and approx. 20K from ischaemic heart disease. So, these are the people we could save every day. We could compute very specific losses if technological breakthrough does happen earlier rather than later. Prize foundations is a good start for such inverse insurance. However, this perhaps is not enough, and probably not the right …  ››

    [Mindey] @ 2017-01-03 @00:00Z
  • Open Knowledge, and its Risks (, +) [en]

    Today, we have many organizations that are striving to organize knowledge and make it universally accessible: Wikipedia, Google, Open Knowledge Foundations to name but a few. While this knowledge is good for empowering people to solve problems, there is risk that making procedural knowledge easily available to people will have undesired consequences. For example, enable machines to self-replicate, or enable the creation of dangerous warfare. I'll talk more about the former, since the latter is quite well known. The event of such autonomous self-replication could occur earlier than superintelligence, if some types of procedural knowledge are made available in computer-readable form. Procedural Knowledge First off, what I mean by procuedral knowlege? Definition: Procedural knowledge is a representation of the outer world in an intelligent agent, such that the intelligent agent is confident that performing a certain sequence of known actions (programs) yiels a known result. This sequence of actions is to be called a procedure, the known result - a product. Here, representation is the influence that the outer world had for the intelligent agent through the physical interactions ("education"); the intelligent agent is an entity capable of volition, cognition, action; confident means aware of high probability of success …  ››

    [Mindey] @ 2017-01-03 @00:00Z
  • Universally Accessible Scholarships (, +) [en]

    Why it matters? A possible scenario: 5 years later: we encounter unknown risk x. (e.g., a disease) UBI Scenario: the talent pool is not large enough, and we die. UAS Scenario: educated people quickly find a cure. Problem Artificial intelligence and robotization is projectedL to replace human labor in nearly every job. At the same time, we have a number world's challenges that need talent to be addressed - health, engineering, science, climate change, modelling the universe, and even arts to help express ideas and align political philosophies. UBI: Universal Basic Income The unconditional basic income (UBI) has been proposedL as a remedy for the technological unemployment. However, I am convinced that the UBI is unlikelyL to have significant impact on solving the world's pressing issues, including the problem of unemployment itself. The majority of people seem to think locally and short-term, thus without any guided incentives, UBI is unlikely to support the activities directed towards addressing the fundamental problems of society. UAS: Universally Accessible Schlarships MOOCs Could be Studied A hope has been placed on the massive open online courses (MOOCs) to provide free or nearly-free education to …  ››

    [Mindey] @ 2017-01-03 @00:00Z

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