Organising Individual Thinking Before Synthesis
Humans think all the time. Writing a diary is a basic way to organise our individual thinking. I wonder, what are effective ways for organising our individual thinking before we come up with ideas which are expressions of synthesis.
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metodas Smart Jewellery to Capture Solo Ideation
Tiny device that captures typed notes, photos, audio, digital sketches worn as jewellery
Pastaruoju metu aš naudoju „namų tvarkymo“ pavyzdį kaip metaforą, kaip sutvarkyti protą ir sudėti mintis į stalčius, kur jie kartu tampa aiškesni (sintezuojami) ir „padaro tašką“.
Lately, I use an example of "tidying the house" as a metaphor of how to tidy one's mind and put thoughts into drawers, where together they become more clear (synthesise) and "make the point".