Prenumeruotis Išradimai, metodai, algoritmai, sprendimai, arba atsakymai.
+8(19,677) ◻ Laimės matmenys: Apibrėžus abstrakčias dimensijas, kurios geriausiai koreliuoja su žmonių laime, galima būtų modeliuoti žmonių judėjimą toje erdvėje, kad galėtume sąmoningai siekti maksimalios socialinės laimės. (+) [en, cn, lt]
+5(19,427) ■ Avilio Korio Kapsulė-Transformobilis: Universalus "transformobilis," panašus į bičių korio formos kapsulinį viešbutį ant ratų, galintį jungtis į pastatus ir erdves, skirtas gyventi ir judėti, galintis pakeisti namus ir automobilius. (+) [en, cn, lt, ja]
+4(18,637) ◻ Viešosios žvalgybos standartizacijos superkategorijos: Remdamiesi lygties ontologija, galime sukurti standartines duomenų kategorijų klasifikavimo super-kategorijas ir padaryti duomenis veiksmingesniais. (+) [en, cn, lt]
+4(18,881) ■ Operation Search Equations: Thing ? = Other Thing (+) [en, cn]
+4(19,309) ◻ Rašykime į Galaktikas: Laikydami kitas galaktikas tarsi kompaktiniais diskais, ir rašydami į jas informaciją, galėtume išlikti ateities civilizacijų protuose. (+) [en, lt]
+4(18,874) ◻ A Transdisciplinary Lingua Franca: Introduce a tiny set of exhaustive transdisciplinary concepts that most people are intimately familiar with, that can represent all processes that people go through to build their worlds, then use them to organize information, and get people understand the modern world. (+) [en]
+3(18,338) ◻ Mikro-kambariai: Jei iš putoplasto sukonstruotum mažesnius kambarius kambario viduje, tai jų kubatūra būtų mažesnė, ir mažiau oro reikėtų šildyti. (+) [lt]
+3(19,159) ◻ Internet Browser: All ports, all protocols Internet browser. Open ports and support protocols to direct browsing of databases, and other internet resources, make web browsers support accessing them directly and nicely. (+) [en]
+3(19,013) ◻ Representation Format of Actualization States of Individuals (+) [en]
+3(18,527) ■ Elektroninė studijų birža: Sukūrus elektroninės registracijos į paskaitas ir užsiėmimus sistemą, galima būtų sudaryti sąlygas kūrybai ir inovacijoms. (+) [lt]
+3(18,420) ◻ Essential worker stipend: Society can reward who make modern society liveable (+) [en]
+3(19,134) ◻ Use a marketplace where every item is a wrapped product and must contain every stakeholder's interest (+) [en]
+3(18,841) ■ "UseMe" standard: The "readme.txt" equivalent for machines. (+) [en]
+3(18,638) ■ Medicininės Kabinos: Kabinos, panašios į telefono būdeles ar kioskus, su bazine sveikatos patikros įranga, su priėjimu prie globalaus gydytojų konsultacijų tinklo, ir greitomis pneumatinių biologinių mėginių transporto ir paskirstymo laboratorijoms paslaugomis. (+) [lt]
+3(19,159) ■ Web-based People's Self-Organization Tool: A service or tool to form interest groups by voting on features of ideas as part of reading. (+) [en]
+3(18,934) ■ Hands-Free Binoculars Mount to Back: Mega-Eyeglass frame-like mount for binoculars extending to the back to the belt, or to a counterweight backpack to free hands, and control viewing direction with movement of body. (+) [en]
+3(19,364) ◻ Structured Internet Client: Like browser, but structured, based on high level protocols? (+) [en]
+3(18,871) ◻ Snappy Widgets: Widgets that snap into apps. (+) [en]
+3(19,753) ◻ Idea Shiritori: A group activity for parties: an invention game around problems. (+) [en]
+2(19,191) ■ XMaze: Computer game for students: theory on the walls, problem solutions unlock the doors. (+) [en, cn, ja]
+2(18,336) ◻ Peristaltic naturally artificial heart: A non-contact artificial heart, based on aorta (or another large vessel) and series of inflatable (with air or liquid) cuffs which wrap around it. (+) [en]
+2(18,861) ■ Network of Functions: Document the world's entities like we document the functions of code, and build their network. (+) [en]
+2(19,013) ◻ Open Distributed Scientific Annotations Cloud: Each reader of scientific paper can publish their annotations to a distributed public annotations cloud, others can load as they read, and discuss. (+) [en]
+2(18,666) ◻ Collect Death Causal Graphs to Prevent Death: Collecting medical tracebacks from hospitals around the world and computing risk of deeper causes to recommend early diagnostics and lifestyle changes (+) [en, cn]
+2(18,320) ◻ Extraterrestrial Nanolaser Transceivers: Fire self-aligning nano-lasers at near the speed of light to create a 'fiber optic' channel reaching to nearby another star. (+) [en, cn]
+2(18,651) ◻ StarChip: Hyper-miniaturize spacecraft, and reach the stars. (+) [en, cn]
+2(18,413) ◻ Infinity-Powered Stocks (+) [en]
+2(19,134) ◻ Togetherism for Survival: Togetherism, as an abstraction of Communism and Democracy (+) [en]
+2(18,454) ◻ Metaformat: Create a polycontext metasymbol, and overcome the fact that standardization does not generalize. (+) [en]
+2(19,264) ◻ Life-Saving Oximeter Handbands: Just like smoke alarms, but for human bodies. (+) [en]
+2(18,453) ■ People Centres: Making it easy for strangers to have a deep connection for free (+) [en]
+2(19,246) ◻ Shapeflow: Generalization of Tetris: A strategic game with a variety of morphing shapes flowing through topological holes (like digestive tract) with increasing variety and speed, and complementaries (like matching Tetris bricks) that interact to break down into smaller ones, and a global goal to sustain their flow from clogging the system. (+) [en]
+2(18,499) ◻ Wantsfile at root of domain: Automated provision of services to automatic buyer of services (+) [en]
+2(18,508) ◻ Make generic manifestos of what all people want: Everybody generally wants the same things (+) [en]
+2(18,644) ◻ Įrankiais paremta edukacija: Vietoje to, kad mokyti knygomis, pirkti įrankius, ir mokyti juos valdyti praktiškai. (+) [lt]
+2(18,626) ◻ Nusiųskime Tarptautinę kosminę stotį (TKS) į Marsą: Įrengus mažo-G raketinius variklius Tarptautinei Kosminei Stočiai (TKS), ir nusiuntus kuro, SAUGIAI pasiektume Marsą daug greičiau. (+) [en, lt]
+2(18,576) ◻ Women leadership movement: Involve women to leadership movements to reduce birth rate (+) [en]
+2(18,592) ◻ Data Attestations: I assert and agree that this data may be used for business purposes (+) [en]
+2(18,597) ◻ Work hours to include commuting time: Working on the train (+) [en]
+2(18,813) ■ Templating Micro Communities: A social behaviour to connect people into a micro community (+) [en]
+2(18,826) ■ Dark Conference: An anti-thesis of TED: A Conferenece On "Ideas worth NOT spreading" (+) [en]
+2(18,634) ■ World Mapping Assistant: A computer program-toolkit that helps individuals build world model by scanning networks and P2P crawling internet, leveraging their personal computer's accessibility. (+) [en, cn]
+2(18,644) ◻ The Time Shop: Exchange products based on the amount of time it takes to produce them (+) [it]
+2(18,723) ■ Appless OS: Operating system without user-facing apps! (+) [en]
+2(18,885) ◻ Socialising making money: Society has problems that have rewards, society should openly share ways of making money (+) [en]
+2(18,885) ◻ Object Models Search: A search engine, that works by composing classes and uploading object models, and can make things, if it doesn't find ones that already exist. (+) [en]
+2(18,797) ◻ Erkių išnaikinimas: Erkių išnaikinimas o ne skiepai! (+) [lt]
+2(18,842) ◻ Shift marketplace: A labour scheduling marketplace where workers can put a classified of a date and time they can work and for how long and a price for the time. Employers can create bids that are matched (+) [en]
+2(18,847) ◻ Human superorganism: Our blood vessels carry food, oxygen and nutrients to our cells which each then do their work. The cells of our body are selfless - how do we create communities that are selfless (+) [en]
+2(18,853) ◻ Bird friendly buildings: Buildings should have eaves for birds to roost and bird baths from the rain (+) [en]
+2(18,858) ■ Mental Models for Human Experience: Understanding Human Values, Perceptions, and Behaviours (+) [en]
+2(18,858) ■ User Freedom through Source Ownership: Property Left through Property Rights (+) [en]
+2(18,882) ◻ Local first software: Software should be designed to work locally first, without needing a server side component (+) [en]
+2(18,884) ◻ Install-less software: The web is an install-less platform, but it only works for HTML/Javascript (+) [en]
+2(19,040) ■ Speculation, Friction, and Fire: A real-time storytelling game about using speculation and friction to question the design and use of AI (+) [en]
+2(19,114) ◻ Everyone is their own currency: You often see companies advertising cashback or money off products or you get a gift for purchasing or they donate money to charity. It is ultimately meaningless as it is simply money off the sticker price. We need a unit that is gained when you purchase some thing. When you buy some thing you cause lots of good things and work for people which is good. It gives people things to do and it coordinates society. You should always be capable of buying food and energy. Your currency of yourself should guarantee this for exchange. So I can go I to a shop and buy anything with chronological or Sam coins. Then the seller gains a marginal benefit based on my labour creative output in return for holding chronological or Sam coins. They have a claim on my output (+) [en]
+2(19,151) ◻ Geographic wants and needs app: Ping server with geographic location of wants, be matched to providers of wants, view wants of others on app. Like Foursquare for wants and needs (+) [en]
+2(19,214) ◻ Principle of Balancing Transparency with Capability: Parametrize the balance between privacy and transparency, with the level of capability. (+) [en]
+2(19,519) ◻ Non exhausting labour: The funny thing about workers is that they pay their own bills AND the bills of the employer (assuming a company is cash flow positive), whereas the employer only puts up an initial set of funding, which gets expired, and they rely on workers for income, so why do capital owners get paid again and again for the same funding but workers don't? (+) [en]
+2(19,311) ◻ Imaginary auction shop: Why not a shop with imaginary products and services in it? And you bid the price that you want to pay for that product, you also commit to long term spending on the product, you actually stake money, so if the product is created, you are obligated to pay for it (+) [en]
+2(19,393) ◻ URL powered computer: Installing software is so 1990s-2000s. Let's configure and install software by giving URLs or taking them away. Everything is a URL (+) [en]
+1(18,381) ◻ Left Lobe Extension: The neural interface to connect our minds into one, and extend our creative, and problem-solving capacity. (+) [en]
+1(18,658) ◻ Miestai giliai po vandeniu: Sumažinti žmonijos išnykimo rizikai globalių katastrofų atvejais (+) [en, cn, lt]
+1(18,329) ◻ Optimizer for Our Dream (+) [en]
+1(18,608) ◻ Supermarketų muziejus: Kitų šalių komercijos patirtys kaip eksponatai namuose. (+) [lt]
+1(18,332) ◻ Tagfixes: Property tags -- tags to refer to properties of topics in social conversations (+) [en]
+1(19,121) ◻ A Numeric Code to Refer to Goals and Ideas, etc.: Design a code name system to refer to goals and ideas, easy to use in any language. (+) [en]
+1(18,671) ◻ Energy Wallet: Create inter-blockchain wallet with time-complexity exchange based on difficulty of blocks, and associated expected energy to mine, and extinguish all cryptos with a more fundamental unit of value: measured time-complexity itself. (+) [en]
+1(18,326) ◻ Open-Source Tax (+) [en]
+1(18,634) ◻ "Smart Stalai" su iššokančiais šiaudeliais: Stalai, kurie leidžia mėgautis skysto pavidalo maistais (+) [lt]
+1(18,346) ◻ Court Of Law As An App (+) [en]
+1(19,133) ◻ Gravity Battery via Generator Pulleys (+) [en]
+1(18,461) ◻ Prioritize AI for Communication: Prioritize the use of AIs to empower humans to communicate and decide together, and it won't take over the world. (+) [en, cn]
+1(18,416) ◻ Text classifier into Goal/Idea/Plan from Introduction/Body/Conclusion. (+) [en]
+1(18,369) ◻ Tie generation of credit proportional to performance of assets? (+) [en]
+1(18,345) ◻ 海豚车: 对海豚友好的水陆两栖车 (+) [cn]
+1(18,575) ◻ Super-Budget Cryonics at Home: Use consumer-grade freezer to have a shot in future resurrection: burying heads in house refrigerators instead of graves. (Why? Cause mammoth brains structurally okay-ish.) (+) [en]
+1(18,826) ◻ Package manager (e.g. NPM) for shared libraries in browser: Make browser user able to install libraries, like on operating system, and reduce the amount of data that we have to download for each app loading. (+) [en]
+1(18,342) ■ Smart Jewellery to Capture Solo Ideation: Tiny device that captures typed notes, photos, audio, digital sketches worn as jewellery (+) [en]
+1(18,343) ◻ Stickable Face Scales as Makeup: Just like coats and trousers, but for face to hide aging and look cool. (+) [en]
+1(18,344) ◻ Credit password: Works even if you've lost your cash or credit card. (+) [en]
+1(18,513) ■ CyberPub: Social networking at its finest! (+) [en]
+1(18,575) ◻ Reflectoputer: A program for personal computers that builds compressed model of their user, by observing and compressing data about them, and asking questions to understand the user, to help user automate what the user does, to become like deep mirrors of the user. (+) [en]
+1(18,361) ◻ Magic Profile/FAQ: Personal information exchange - the essential missing part of social networking profiles. (+) [en]
+1(18,381) ◻ Smellcode: Like a bar-code, but made of concoctions of smelly chemicals. (+) [en]
+1(18,814) ◻ Organs-Funded Cryonics: Freeze heads or brains, and get organs pay for the costs of cryopreservation... (+) [en]
+1(18,384) ◻ Merge-Worlds: Multiple Inheritance Worlds With Subjects From Alternate Histories (+) [en]
+1(18,573) ◻ Pendulum Transport: Reinventing the pendulum (as in "reinventing the wheel) (+) [en]
+1(19,016) ◻ 海上タワマン船: 水平超高層船:私達が考えるよりも海で生活することは簡単です。クルーズ船のイメージを少し変え、建築的に創造的に近代的な建物のように考えます。その船を世界中から大勢のオンライン不動産の買い手に建物として売ることで、造船業が大量の受注を得られます。 (+) [en, ja]
+1(18,458) ◻ Sectoral pay agreements (+) [en]
+1(18,644) ◻ Dolphin Internet: Ultrasound internet, using StarLink to connect dolphins in different regions, to learn from each others. (+) [en, cn]
+1(18,634) ■ Madingos ir kvapnios kaukės ir pirštinės: Pasinaudokime mada, kaip asmeninės apsaugos priemonių populiarinimo varikliu :) (+) [lt]
+1(18,478) ◻ Intelligence medical research: Use the intelligence agencies as a trusted partner to conduct health research based on private health histories and genetic data. (+) [en, cn]
+1(19,016) ■ Dolphin Chatroom Buoy: Create a low bandwidth distant communications channel for groups of dolphins with exchanged member, and crack dolphin language much faster! (+) [en, cn]
+1(18,504) ◻ Unity application: Quiz people to find their variables, then match people up with the same variables (+) [en]
+1(18,509) ◻ Linked love: Microtransactions for things that we love (+) [en]
+1(18,519) ◻ Create a list of join queries that would be useful cross institutions: In designing this data liquidity system, we should have some idea of the kinds of questions we want to answer (+) [en]
+1(18,643) ■ Krionikos rekordų loterija vaikams: Pardavinėjant mažus gyvius kaip loterijos bilietus, būtų galima atlikti daug krionikos eksperimentų. (+) [lt]
+1(18,572) ◻ Human Area: Take the regions of international conflict, and declare them human areas belonging to no country. (+) [en]
+1(18,576) ■ 模拟恒星光谱的灯: 可以让灯具产品更有创意 (+) [cn]
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