Business Guides Project P&L: 0 (≃ 0 USD)
Crude, basic version of a website, with a view to bringing it to the global international platform stage later on.
The basic version will focus on Ireland. This is because this is where I am based and I can find information about Ireland more easily than for other countries. It will include some information on setting up a business in Ireland - the types of business, how to incorporate, some information on tax and VAT and a bit of information on case studies, perhaps.
Ideally, others will join the project so we have a section on the website for the UK as well, and maybe 1 or 2 other countries to start off with.
currently: I have the ability to learn to build a basic site to start this off.
I have some relevant knowledge, as a person who is setting up a sole trader business in Ireland, and who writes business plans for Ireland-based businesses as part of my trade.
@ Mindey @ FE706DAF Ačiū už klausimą. Atsakydamas sakyčiau, kad taip, aš būčiau pasirengęs vykdyti šį projektą; tačiau ne, aš jau neturiu bendradarbių. Aš džiaugiuosi, kad galite padaryti tai, kas, jūsų manymu, geriausia, kai rengiate viešą projektą. Taip pat malonu dirbti su visais, kurie domisi tuo, kaip tai padaryti. Manau, kad tai būtų labai naudinga priemonė žmonėms.
@Mindey@FE706DAF Thanks for the question. In answer, I would say that yes, I'd be up for running this project; however, no, I do not have collaborators already. I'm happy for you to do what you think is best with it re draft v public. Also happy to work with anyone interested in putting it together to make it a reality. I think it would be a very useful tool for people.
Ei, Niamhnab, ar manote, kad norėtumėte vykdyti šį projektą? Būtent, ar tai kažkas, ko norėtum padaryti, turėdamas keletą bendradarbių? Jei ne, praneškite man, ir aš manau, kad būtų prasminga tai padaryti kaip projektą, o ne viešą.
Hey, Niamhnab, do you think you would like to run this project? Namely, is this something that, given that you had some collaborators, you would want to do? If not, let me know, and I think it would make sense to make it as a draft instead of public.
[Cabria], ar galime šį projektą pavadinti „Global Business Startup Guides Compendium Project“ ar kažkuo trumpesniu? :)
[Cabria], can we name this project to something like "Global Business Startup Guides Compendium Project" or something shorter? :)
_> informacija apie verslo įkūrimą Airijoje - verslo tipai, kaip jį įsteigti, galbūt tam tikra informacija apie mokesčius ir PVM ir šiek tiek informacijos apie atvejų analizę.
Ši informacija būtų labai patogi. Ar galvojate gauti tam tikros informacijos iš piliečių informacinės svetainės ir LEO, bet ją pateikti suprantamesniu formatu? Surasti informaciją apie mokesčius ir PVM yra sudėtinga. Būtų puiku gauti daugiau aiškumo apie visa tai vienoje vietoje.
Kalbant apie faktinį svetainės kūrimą, savo svetainei naudojau „Squarespace“ (nes man buvo nuobodu su „Wordpress“). Gavau domeną iš Arba galime pakviesti kelis draugus, kurie gali padėti [Bootstrap] ( „“).
_> information on setting up a business in Ireland - the types of business, how to incorporate, some information on tax and VAT and a bit of information on case studies, perhaps. _
This info would be very handy. Are you thinking of getting some information from citizens information website and LEOs, but providing it in a more understandable format? Finding info on tax and VAT is complicated. It'd be great to get more clarity on all that in one place.
In terms of actual website building, I used Squarespace for my website (as I was bored with Wordpress). I got a domain from Or, we can invite some friends who can help out with Bootstrap.
[rūta] kaip manai, kaip pradėti?
[ruta] what do you think, as a start?