Родительские категории: Культура.

Sea vs Boat Mindset

Be asocial copycats or crediting idea recyclers?

YAML Вопрос

Imagine two kindergartens:

(1) In the kindergarten "Sea", kids copy each others: if one kid comes up with something novel and useful, others quickly copy him, and take this to their advantage, without giving any credit to those who originally came up with it.

This social set-up incentivizes kids to keep their novel and useful things to themselves, and form closed groups of trust to keep the secret advantages, and trade carefully.

(2) In the kindergarten "Boat", kids give credit to each others: if one kid comes up with something novel and useful, others praise the kid, and gives him/her credit, in that, if someone else uses their ideas, they are remembered, and if someone succeeds big way as a result of publicly shared innovation of another kid, the rest of the kids force the one who succeeded big way to give reasonable support back to the kid who publicly shared the innovation.

This social set-up incentivizes kids to share their novel and useful things as soon as possible with the public, in the expectation of social validation, and future returns, when someone else succeeds as a result of it.

Transfer a kid from one kind of kindergarten to another, and the kid's behavior will have to change, adapting to the social norm, not because the ethical views of the kid himself or herself, but because of the phenomena similar to prisoner's dilemma with respect to expected returns with respect to the given society's social norms.

So, which kindergarten would you like to be raised in?

In most cases, I would like to be raised in the kindergarten (2). This is because I don't have time to implement all the ideas that I come up with, yet I want to profit (both financially and in terms of social return) from all of my ideas without having to patent, hire an army, or work individually on every one of them to have this return to happen. I want the society be the army, that, as described in (2), praises and protects its contributors, that publicly shared ideas generate financial returns by default.

Status Quo and Prospects

I think, this kind of society will happen sooner or later, because technology allows to track, and prove increasingly many facts about events, their dates, identities and authenticity, and therefore, it is just a matter of time before those facts will be increasingly intelligently recognized, and credit given where it is due, therefore, it is sufficient to start recording those proofs now using various standards (one of the possible ways I described here), writing them to various data storage systems, as those records will get increasingly recognized regardless of particular way in which people have made those records, as long as they are probabilistically credible.

Cultural norms needed

This may happen just because technology allows to tokenize and trade ideas or to have enough evidence to sue someone for patenting a publicly shared idea. In this case, we'll still be living in the wild (1) type world. Technology alone does not fully solve all problems.

To achieve the comfortable and fun (2) world, people have evolve a culture of caring about tracing origins. People don't put down the guns because blockchain exists. They do so, because others show care about them socially and economically.

I think we should try to evolve and facilitate such culture as in the kindergarten "(2)".

Нет дочерних категорий.

Голос (Необязательно) (не уведомлять) (Необязательно)
Пожалуйста, войдите.

Вам нужно только взглянуть на клонированные приложения и веб-сайты, разработанные программным обеспечением, чтобы увидеть отношение людей к этому. Вы могли бы подумать, что люди, способные к программированию, поверят. Но они скажут, что их приложение — клон чего-то другого.

Дизайн O2oo кажется основанным на полупекарне. Мы все находимся под влиянием других

You only need to look at software engineering cloned apps and websites to see people's attitudes to this. You would think that people capable of programming would credit. But they will say their app is a clone of something else.

O2oo design seems based on halfbakery. We're all influenced by others

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 


[в хронологическом порядке], да, конечно, O2oo был вдохновлен Halfbakery, а также различными другими идеями (такими как [1]). Однако [jutta] не понравилось, что название «Halfmakery» слишком похоже на «Halfbakery».

// На всех нас влияют другие

Именно так: «Я сформирован взаимодействием с другими. Они создают меня, как я создаю их». - Рей Аянами (Neon Genesis Evangelion/NGE) возможность разветвления // Вам нужно только взглянуть на клонированные приложения и веб-сайты, разработанные программным обеспечением, чтобы увидеть отношение людей к этому.

Итак, проблема остается — как правильно кредитовать, чтобы банковской системе было все равно, кто что говорит? Должен ли существовать тег, позволяющий людям в режиме онлайн ассоциировать вдохновителей с тем, что они пишут, в машиночитаемой форме? Отслеживаемая возможность разветвления и множественная наследуемость всего, чтобы идеи могли «заниматься сексом» другими способами? Другие вещи?

[chronological], yes, surely, O2oo was inspired by Halfbakery, as well as various other ideas (such as [1]). However, [jutta] didn't like that the name "Halfmakery" is too similar to "Halfbakery".

// We're all influenced by others

Exactly: "I am formed by interaction with others. They create me as I create them." - Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion/NGE) forkability // You only need to look at software engineering cloned apps and websites to see people's attitudes to this.

So, the problem remains -- how to credit properly, so that banking system cares who says what? Should there exist a tag, that lets people on-line associate those who inspired with what they write, in a machine-readable form? Traceable fork-ability and multi-inheritability of everything, so that ideas can "have sex" in more ways? Other things?

Мне нравится библейская система ссылок. Мы обращаемся к Священным Писаниям, чтобы признать факт или оправдать поведение или закон.

Каждый стих пронумерован, и в каждой книге есть главы, а там, где есть более одной книги, мы ставим префикс номера книги в начале.

Таким образом, ссылка выглядит как 1 Коринфянам 13:1-13.

Области исследований университетов имеют разные схемы ссылок.

Интеллектуальная собственность тоже вещь. Вы утверждаете, что мы должны уважать чужую интеллектуальную собственность и все, что создано кем-то.

I like the biblical referencing system. We refer to scripture to acknowledge a fact or justify a behaviour or law.

Each verse is numbered and there are chapters to each book and where there is more than one book we prefix the book number at the beginning.

So a reference looks like 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Universities research fields have different referencing schemes.

Intellectual property is also a thing. You're arguing we should respect others intellectual property and all things caused by someone.

Мне нравится идея использования систем учета эффектов. Используйте технологию бухгалтерского учета для учета следствий причин. Мы существуем в причинно-следственной вселенной. Если кто-то вызывает чей-то успех, он должен получить за это вознаграждение. Значит, ваши учителя заслуживают чего-то за то, что они для вас сделали.

I like the idea of using accounting systems for effects. Use accounting technology to account for effects of causes. We exist in a cause and effect universe. If someone causes someone else's success they should get rewarded for it. So your teachers deserve some thing for what they caused for you.