18,572 - Reading Sources
What do you want to read next? -
18,829 - The Liquidity of School Grades
Kids and students are actually selling their work at schools for grades, which are not a liquid asset. How can we make it a liquid asset? -
18,704 - Pseudomonas aeruginosa
How to treat or get rid of Pseudomonas aeruginosa? -
18,851 - Open Source Hardware
How to make hardware much like free software, so anyone can run it for their benefit? -
18,877 - Offline Shopping Receipts Data Retrieval
How to get back the shopping receipts data? -
19,111 - (A+xB)/C = y
An algorithm to find x, when A, B, C and y are integers. -
19,154 - Motor standardization
How to properly define a small gradient of motor types to power everything? -
19,161 - Inter-Ontological Concepts for Inter-App Synchronization
How to avoid reinventing app models and ontology concepts, and reuse existing work on them across software ecosystems and ontologies? -
19,322 - Cataloguing Mathematical Models
How would we go about creating a referencible repository of mathematical models? -
19,457 - 国民の知的財産
国々は、色々な企業を自分の投資ポートフォリオとして大事にしているが、国民の個人たちの発明(知的財産)を大事にしていない。しかし、これは大事にすべきである。 -
19,533 - Habitability of Inhabitable Locations
How to inhabit uninhabitable locations? -
18,481 - Sentience of Companies and their Ownership/Trade Rights
Should we allow companies to be owned, when they are sentient supra-organisms, based on subtle human-to-human relationships? -
16,700 - 防止急剧气候变化
17,763 - 将二氧化碳排放量转化为有价值的产品
18,881 - Human self-modification
How to edit our own genome to phenotype, and should we? -
16,707 - 检测和减少地下水中的砷污染
16,728 - 根除在中国的空气污染
16,712 - 确保程序性知识的可访问
Ensuring Access To Know-How -
17,351 - 确保开放知识为您服务
17,508 - 人类目标与AI
如何让人类能系统地定义其目标? -
18,214 - 赋予人类思考和决定的能力
18,214 - 赋予用户直接从个人知识库发起决策的权力
18,373 - Breakthroughs in Societies
Which societies produce breakthrough technology? -
18,720 - Rewarding Innovation
How can innovators and inventors have more equitable social and economic rewards from their inventions? -
16,694 - 增加教育内容的吸引力
18,326 - 家基地管理
18,326 - 家基地管理
18,411 - 0 > oo 功能请求
0oo应该增加哪些功能? -
17,764 - 重塑全球治理以应对全球灾难性风险
18,395 - Critical systems monitoring
How do we develop world's critical systems' monitoring, that would enable rapid response and preserve personal liberties and privacy of individuals? -
18,984 - 计算机安全
如何保护我们的计算机系统? -
18,984 - 零日攻击
如何预防或缓解零日漏洞? -
16,658 - 实现想法并解决问题
18,630 - 对前沿创新投资的安全性
How to create way of transparent investment into novel ideas, that would secure positions for idea authors and investors without expensive process of patenting and startup development, and allows public's involvement in innovation process? -
16,837 - 社交分享代码和数学的选项
17,578 - 给开源项目予支持
16,690 - 在社会中建立深厚的联系和爱
17,569 - 所有人真正渴望的一切都存在的世界
16,811 - 社会服务数据汇总问题
16,968 - 社会倾向于在项目而非目标下团结
如何让它在目标之下团结? -
17,007 - 自杀率高问题
16,700 - 技术奇点安全性
16,777 - 廉价地到达低地球轨道
16,796 - 降低伽马射线爆发的风险
18,629 - Femtotechnology
How to structure matter on the scale of a femtometer? -
16,914 - 无毒高效的低温保护剂
17,112 - 反熵
17,636 - 零死亡率人类
17,643 - 时间旅行
18,680 - Mind Uploading
How to carry out mind upload practically? Any ways to do it without losing identity? -
17,668 - 星际飞行
16,713 - 防止创造掠夺性超智能
16,762 - 控制超级人工智能的问题
17,763 - 理解网络数据
18,518 - 数据流动性和系统互操作性
如何对复杂的异质数据和系统进行自动化对齐和管理? -
17,763 - 理解和采用人工智能解决方案
17,768 - 超越人类水平的通用智能AI系统
16,710 - 通过细菌繁殖构建计算机
18,439 - METI
我们如何 "向地外智能发送信息"? -
16,703 - 智能手机之间屏幕共享
16,729 - 社交实时数据共享
16,800 - 播放器同步
16,803 - 使学术论文易于在线讨论
16,922 - 内容可重用性
18,150 - 创建元标准以最大化所有数据和系统的可重用性
Create a Meta-standard to Maximize Reusability and Interoperability of All Data and Systems -
17,311 - 加密事实的多方法可证明性
17,763 - 集成头像系统以分享技能和经验
17,508 - 大脑开采货币
18,500 - Blockchain Energy-Efficiency
How do we create energy-efficient decentralized computation exchange? -
18,959 - Programmatic Access and Control
How to build generic programmatic access solution to help people scale thinking and doing? -
17,113 - 广泛可用的各规模力量操纵装备
18,892 - Decimal time use
Would you like us to use Decimal time in the system? -
18,414 - 人类传送
如何创造类似传送的体验? -
18,513 - Apocalypse technology
How do we create technologies that could survive apocalypse, and allow people to restore civilization? -
16,774 - 恢复(重新嵌入)过去的信息生成过程(例如脑海)在未来
16,914 - 增加立陶宛的文化多样性
19,088 - Sea vs Boat Mindset
Be asocial copycats or crediting idea recyclers? -
16,711 - 避免发生全球性流行病
16,720 - 防止蚊虫叮咬
16,696 - 保持人体的年轻状态
16,773 - 医疗卡数字化
16,690 - 心脏病发作中保持血液循环
16,696 - 开发有效且通用的癌症治疗方法
16,716 - 早期癌症诊断
16,721 - 减少中风危险
16,860 - 人脑保护
18,991 - Artifcial Blood
How to create artificial blood? -
16,714 - 健康饮食
17,763 - 确保有效营养
16,706 - 自动化高质量代餐产品生产
17,780 - 创造持续的食物供应
17,772 - 确保有感觉的生物保持健康和表现最佳
18,214 - 监测人体健康
18,353 - Preventing Engineered Sleeper Virus
18,704 - Epstein–Barr virus
How to treat Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)? -
18,393 - Extreme Health
Why should health improvement ever stop? -
18,865 - Rational Drugs Regulation
How to make unhealthy drugs like alcohol, tabacco, etc. be banned for ingestion, and the healthy smart drugs, like piracetam, phenibut, etc. be made legal? -
17,569 - 消除贫困
17,569 - 确保每个人满足基本需求
17,574 - 优化财富分配
17,508 - 让钱可代表且可追溯到真实价值
18,151 - 使会计制度公平
18,851 - Free Materials and Equipment Time
How to make the materials and equipment execution time approach the negligible cost of running a computer or a mobile phone? -
18,157 - 目标追求的测量
16,912 - 激励创新
18,858 - Infinity DAO Proposals
What DAO (or DAOs) could we benefit from as a community? -
16,748 - 减少家庭取暖成本
16,953 - 调整商业市场潜力评估流程
17,665 - 有效利用营销预算
18,611 - Ethics of Harm-Making in Market Making
How should we treat and use harm in market-making? -
19,604 - 超安く、どこでも超大きいサイズのパネル・ボードの精密にカットする道具
現在は、大きいサイズの精密切断は大きいサイズの高硬質度の作業台とのフレームが必要で、高いですが、 -
18,632 - The Scandal of Money
There is no objective measure for value, like physical units: meter, second, ampere, etc. How to create an objective measure of money? -
16,710 - 确保宜居环境和移动能力
16,766 - 地磁风暴
防止大范围电力中断风险 -
16,711 - 确保汽车安全运输
16,702 - 确保饮用水中没有BPA/BPB微塑料
18,864 - Proteomics
What is the set of proteins that governs an organism, and how to reorganize, tweak existing living system that runs based on proteome? -
18,710 - Programming Language for Code of Earth Life
Code of Life Needs a Programming Language ;) -
18,707 - Metal solubility in distilled water
How soluble are pure metals in distilled water? -
17,018 - 多行星生活
18,320 - 生存危机
如何确保生命的潜能? -
16,999 - 验证我们是否处于模拟现实中
18,487 - Universally useful world
How to create a world, that works for all life? -
17,777 - 解决数学中7个千年问题
18,403 - Humans Becoming Obsolete
Where Will the Information and Computing Resources Asymmetry in AI Lead Us To? -
16,700 - 核武器
如何防止核战争和核冬天的发生? -
16,853 - 改善民主运作
16,764 - 创造在线投票条件
16,800 - 简化电影制作中的自我表达
16,925 - 将解决方案付诸行动
17,322 - 确保重要思想不被忽视
17,522 - 在现实世界发现有共同兴趣的人
17,764 - 有效利用时间
19,665 - City Skates Standard
Swappable Body Vehicles standard for car bodies swappable in minutes, for modern city life, and private car body ownership. -
19,549 - CoDev Connect
ペアプログラミング向けのSNS。開発パートナーを見つけるためのサイト。生活をより楽しくする創造向けネット出会いサイト。 -
19,430 - 買い物の持ち運ぶ用の基準穴
「買い物袋問題」に対する提案:基準穴を設けて、糸で持ち運ぶ方法 -
19,424 - Order-to-Make E-commerce
An online shop selling licenses to CAD drawings along with manufacturing services from local manufacturing shops. -
19,403 - Linear Fuel Lines Launch System
Just like gravity assist, but "fuel-assist" - fuel positioned in the rocket path to be ingested and used. -
19,373 - Idea Shiritori
A group activity for parties: an invention game around problems. -
19,345 - Technology Maps ™
Apply the principles of generating driving directions from a road map to automate generation of technological procedures from a map-like knowledge base. -
19,321 - The Map of Mathematical Models
A referencible repository of mathematical models. -
19,313 - Dog Sniff Schools
Billions of dogs - unused resource -- Massively teach dogs to sniff out diseases, and substances, and improve public health :) -
19,290 - 脳愛マッチ
アイデンティティ合成希望者向けの脳出会い系サービス -
19,276 - Lungs could pump blood
With some exercising, and exterior design, lung muscles could pump blood, serving as artificial heart -
19,269 - Multi-Business Startup
A startup, where each funding round is like a logical different startup, but uses the key component created in the previous funding round, as an enabler for the next round, often jumping to another industry in each round. -
19,267 - Investomart
A shop, that lets you overpay for goods you like, to invest the overpay into the companies that made them. -
19,176 - Wiki of App Models
Wiki of apps in general (web or stand-alone), with both public and private models published. -
19,176 - Principle of Balancing Transparency with Capability
Parametrize the balance between privacy and transparency, with the level of capability. -
19,153 - Movable Frame Tetris
Instead of moving the falling brick, move the entire tetris frame in the rain of tetris parts; make the frame walls semi-permeable sometimes, and emulate life form eating bricks, and medical interventions to alleviate clogging. -
19,153 - N-Love Net
An on-line "tinder-like" service to match larger groups for "love graphs". -
19,105 - Open Signed Talks
Invitation to combine resources with Ideas for something better! -
19,084 - Search for Non-Ribonucleic Life (NRL)
Search for Non-Ribonucleic Life, as a complement to SETI. -
19,084 - Mutually-Repulsing Rockets
Make objects push against each other to opposite directions, and avoid the tyranny of the rocket equation. -
19,084 - Temporal mirror
Reversed time mirror as a memory monument. -
19,029 - FrienDA
Friend-to-friend NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreements). -
19,013 - Astelliard
Billiard with asteroids: apply trajectory intelligence and domino effect to move large asteroids through a sequence of small ones. -
19,009 - 中间體字
創造把繁體字和簡體字同樣表示的字體,而附加『妥協字』,可以創造特別的可以自動切換中文的字體系列。 -
19,003 - Mine life for molecules to treat bacteria
Let bacteria try to infect various plants and animals, see which adapt, and why (what proteins or molecules do they evolve), and apply it to developing new treatments. -
18,992 - Bio-evolutionary Hypothesis for Absence of Green or Purple Stars
Take the evolutionary approach, and explain it by narrow spectra of survival-critical (evolutionarilyy rewarding) plants spectra due to narrow-spectrum chlorophyll and retinal. -
18,989 - Biopoints of Failure
Just like JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) teams enumerated all possible signle-points-of-failure to compute spacecraft risk, enumerate all human organism (or bio-organism) points of failure, and strategize to reduce its failure risk. -
18,985 - Daugiaraštė lietuvių kalba
Idėja būtų, panašiai kaip japonų kalboje, naudoti skirtingas abėcėles žodžių kamienam, skoliniam, ir gramatiniams junginiams -- tam, kad patyrinėti, kokia galėtų būti lietuvių kalba. -
18,972 - ゲノム毛筆
自分の髪から書の筆(ブラシ)をつくるサービス。 -
18,969 - Electrochemical Screen
Use use electric and photonic patterning to emulate material surface properties. -
18,967 - Abstratasking
Just like multi-tasking, but in another dimension. -
18,957 - Sunrise WakeUp Screen
Simulate sunrise with computer screen. -
18,945 - Dog Glider
Dog flies a glider, it launches by sliding down hill. -
18,938 - Dolphin voice commands controlled equipment
Use the mature voice commands recognition technology in combination with robotics, to see what would dolphins create, if they had the ability to use hands and more. -
18,907 - Daiktų vamzdžiai
„Šviesolaidžiai“ daiktams -
18,900 - Paint on Elephants
Paint elephants, and enjoy the curiosity about their behavior. -
18,884 - Addresser App
Generalized URL address and lookup field for desktops, that opens addresses with appropriate apps and installs them when needed. -
18,883 - Partial Space Elevator
Don't tether the Earth-facing end of space elevator: let it hang in the atmosphere, and arrive to it with less fuel. -
18,875 - Civilization Engineering IQ Score
Define a mapping between the available chemical elements and the technological capabilities with those elements to define a kind of "IQ" score for technological civilizations. -
18,860 - Information Density based video speed selection
Watch videos and change their speed -
18,860 - Bubblechute
Shoot an explosive ahead into water on the collision-course to disperse and soften the impact. -
18,856 - Diagnostic Mosquitoes as Body Boring Machines
Evolve mosquitoes with long proboscises, then photolitographically print a microcircuit to interface with their brain, connect and train a neural net to control it. -
18,822 - Human-Dolphin Childspeak Learning
Surround a human child with dolphins chat over sound filter to match human hearing, and get the first human naturally learn dolphin. -
18,822 - Remote Talk Cap
Making a narrow angle modulated light emitter and receiver headband, connectable via bluetooth to the phone, would make it possible to communicate with people at line of sight, directly choosing with one's head (like a laser pointer), whom to talk to. -
18,817 - Portalų kavinė
Kiekvienai kavinės vietai priskyrus ekraną turintį video ryšį su kažkur kitur pasaulyje esančios kitos kavinės vietą, galima būtų sukurti įdomias virtualaus susipažinimo prie stalo patirtis, ir tokiu išskirtinumu pasižyminti pirmoji frančizinė kavinė dėl tokio konkurencinio išskirtinumo turėtų didesnį potencialą paplisti po pasaulį. -
18,801 - 発明しりとり閃き7%
発想を友達と共有する時に、それを記録し、ブロックチェーン上で暗号署名して「ひらめきネット」にアップすると、「発想交流」を職業にすることができます。 -
18,763 - Snappy Widgets
Widgets that snap into apps. -
18,762 - Structured Internet Client
Like browser, but structured, based on high level protocols? -
18,759 - A login with protection from keyloggers
A protection from simple keyloggers & easy-to-remember passwords, encode your input! -
18,747 - Hands-Free Binoculars Mount to Back
Mega-Eyeglass frame-like mount for binoculars extending to the back to the belt, or to a counterweight backpack to free hands, and control viewing direction with movement of body. -
18,739 - Object Models Search
A search engine, that works by composing classes and uploading object models, and can make things, if it doesn't find ones that already exist. -
18,721 - Basic Patterns Reverse Search Engines
Objects, density maps, curves, surfaces, waveforms, feature hierarchies search by examples. -
18,720 - Intelectual Property Development Partnership Contract
A type of contract and relationship that innovators could use to create mutually-beneficial relationships with companies. -
18,719 - Cryopresservation
Cryopreserve at high pressure, and avoid fracturing of tissue (?) -
18,711 - Probet
A method to sell ideas. -
18,706 - Hankeyboard
Double-sided hand-held touchtype keyboard for Mini-Notebook PC -
18,700 - Appless OS
Operating system without user-facing apps! -
18,680 - Gradual Neurocircuit Replacement
Replace different neural circuits incrementally, and get one's mind uploaded to the digital form without losing one's identity. -
18,680 - Is It Me Test
A way to determine if a copy of a mind is test-indistinguishible from the actual mind copied. -
18,679 - 跨学科的语言文字
Introduce a tiny set of exhaustive transdisciplinary concepts that most people are intimately familiar with, that can represent all processes that people go through to build their worlds, then use them to organize information, and get people understand the modern world. -
18,644 - UE:联合实体
Just like the UN, but inclusive of non-countries: corporations, individuals, etc. -
18,638 - Blog 2.0
Blog that works on your turf (e.g., server), yet has all the social networking and social media conveniences and capabilities. -
18,629 - Positronic Material Emulation Screen
Shoot positrons to simulate the chemical properties of a surface through electric field patterning, and get electrons simulate materials without use of atoms. -
18,625 - 非国家公司(NNC)
A potentially multi-ledger company, that operates multiple ledgers, not only national. -
18,622 - 世界建模助手
一套电脑程序工具,利用个人电脑的可访问性来扫描网络和P2P抓取互联网,帮助个人建立世界模型。 -
18,611 - Dark Conference
An anti-thesis of TED: A Conferenece On "Ideas worth NOT spreading" -
18,610 - Media Titles Buzzword Spam Filter
Just like an ad blocker, but filters out titles in news feeds, containing buzzwords. -
18,609 - 基于网络的人民自组织工具
A service or tool to form interest groups by voting on features of ideas as part of reading. -
18,601 - A "Twitter" of Impactful Money Transfers
Make a twitter for sharing impactful transfers of money, and create a social phenomenon scaling up the impact investing and giving. -
18,587 - Medicininės Kabinos
Kabinos, panašios į telefono būdeles ar kioskus, su bazine sveikatos patikros įranga, su priėjimu prie globalaus gydytojų konsultacijų tinklo, ir greitomis pneumatinių biologinių mėginių transporto ir paskirstymo laboratorijoms paslaugomis. -
18,578 - Meet-Ambulance Taxi Service
Make a moving target as a possible destination address, and twice reduce the help arrival times. -
18,577 - AdLock
In-Game Problems as Advertisement Locks -
18,567 - Hijack the ISS to Mars
Equip ISS with low-G thrusters, do orbital fueling to reach Mars much sooner. -
18,561 - Krionikos rekordų loterija vaikams
Pardavinėjant mažus gyvius kaip loterijos bilietus, būtų galima atlikti daug krionikos eksperimentų. -
18,546 - Įrankiais paremta edukacija
Vietoje to, kad mokyti knygomis, pirkti įrankius, ir mokyti juos valdyti praktiškai. -
18,546 - Intelli-Grafiti!
Nudažius šaligatvius, pavadinus gatves, stoteles ir miesto sienas moksliniais futuristiniais raktažodžiais būtų galima skatinti piliečių modernų mąstymą. -
18,537 - "UseMe" standard
The "readme.txt" equivalent for machines. -
18,528 - Gamified Dynamic Pathogen Risk Maps
Pedestrian maps to show risk gradient clouds in color patterns in real time, like Ingress "exotic matter" and gamify Covid-19 avoidance. -
18,501 - 海豚聊天浮標
创造低带宽的远距离通讯通道,让群居的海豚交换成员,更快地破解海豚语! -
18,493 - Distributed Cell-Phone Based Night Surveys
Utilize billions of phone cameras, while charging battery at nights, to watch the sky for phenomena. -
18,482 - Code Review Option Before Giving Permissions
An OS-level middleware allowing to review code of software that is installed or given permissions to. -
18,464 - Dolphin Dictaphone
18,464 - 情报机构推动公益性质医学研究
将值得信赖的情报机构作为值得信赖的合作伙伴,根据私人健康史和基因数据进行健康研究。 -
18,462 - Debt Document
You can ask for help from anyone who agrees to get into debt with you. The document is just a list of things people helped with each other. They owe nothing to each other, unless the helped one succeed financially, and that success is connected to that help. So you can return that debt. People co-invest because of trust and belief in projects. -
18,459 - Madingos ir kvapnios kaukės ir pirštinės
Pasinaudokime mada, kaip asmeninės apsaugos priemonių populiarinimo varikliu :) -
18,458 - 海豚互联网
用着StarLink,应该可以创造海下超声互联网,让不同的地区的海豚互相通信。 -
18,446 - 海上タワマン船
水平超高層船:私達が考えるよりも海で生活することは簡単です。クルーズ船のイメージを少し変え、建築的に創造的に近代的な建物のように考えます。その船を世界中から大勢のオンライン不動産の買い手に建物として売ることで、造船業が大量の受注を得られます。 -
18,441 - 幸福次元
定义与人们的幸福感最相关的抽象维度,并建模人们在该(维度)空间中的活动,以有意地实现社会极乐。 -
18,440 - Information Rocket
Think of the information content as an object in orbit, which is function of mutation rate ("entropy field"), and replication rates ("centrifugal force field"), and be inspired to create an information rocket. -
18,439 - Write to Galaxies
Treat galaxies like CD drives to send directional laser updates of our civilization, and survive in the minds of the distant future civilizations. -
18,414 - Pendulum Transport
Reinventing the pendulum (as in "reinventing the wheel) -
18,403 - Shapeflow
Generalization of Tetris: A strategic game with a variety of morphing shapes flowing through topological holes (like digestive tract) with increasing variety and speed, and complementaries (like matching Tetris bricks) that interact to break down into smaller ones, and a global goal to sustain their flow from clogging the system. -
18,399 - Elektroninė studijų birža
Sukūrus elektroninės registracijos į paskaitas ir užsiėmimus sistemą, galima būtų sudaryti sąlygas kūrybai ir inovacijoms. -
18,384 - Merge-Worlds
Multiple Inheritance Worlds With Subjects From Alternate Histories -
18,377 - Organs-Funded Cryonics
Freeze heads or brains, and get organs pay for the costs of cryopreservation... -
18,365 - Catapult Plates for Cars
Making cars get a glide over medium distances. -
18,364 - Smellcode
Like a bar-code, but made of concoctions of smelly chemicals. -
18,361 - Magic Profile/FAQ
Personal information exchange - the essential missing part of social networking profiles. -
18,361 - Reflectoputer
A program for personal computers that builds compressed model of their user, by observing and compressing data about them, and asking questions to understand the user, to help user automate what the user does, to become like deep mirrors of the user. -
18,360 - Lovers Cloning Selves
Socially acceptable cloning and memetic mixing instead of sexual reproduction. -
18,359 - 操作搜索方程
事物?=其他事物 -
18,344 - Credit password
Works even if you've lost your cash or credit card. -
18,343 - Stickable Face Scales as Makeup
Just like coats and trousers, but for face to hide aging and look cool. -
18,341 - Package manager (e.g. NPM) for shared libraries in browser
Make browser user able to install libraries, like on operating system, and reduce the amount of data that we have to download for each app loading. -
18,341 - 标准化的公共情报超类别
基于方程式的本体库,创建用于数据源分类的标准超类别,使数据更具可操作性。 -
18,340 - Super-Budget Cryonics at Home
Use consumer-grade freezer to have a shot in future resurrection: burying heads in house refrigerators instead of graves. (Why? Cause mammoth brains structurally okay-ish.) -
18,325 - VSCodebook
Like Chromebook -- but with VSCode as a general purpose UI for Operating System. -
18,214 - Life-Saving Oximeter Handbands
Just like smoke alarms, but for human bodies. -
18,183 - Interactive YAML Notes!
18,172 - Default Interlingual Synsets
Assign default token for defined meanings in every language. Give a prefix to them, and use them to make LID. -
18,156 - Ambulance Arrival Time Maps and Testing
18,150 - Metaformat
Create a polycontext metasymbol, and overcome the fact that standardization does not generalize. -
18,148 - Tie generation of credit proportional to performance of assets?
18,147 - Money transfers and lending to developing world.
18,141 - Representation Format of Actualization States of Individuals
17,859 - Method to Turn CO2 Into Plastic With High Efficiency
17,833 - Escape Cap
Survive by growing neurons out of skull! :) -
17,791 - Equation Of The Day Video Series
17,789 - Process To Preserve Motivation For Kids To Learn
17,789 - Text classifier into Goal/Idea/Plan from Introduction/Body/Conclusion.
17,789 - Open Technology Seeding
17,779 - 为通信技术的人工智能优先
为了人工智能不会接管世界,人工智能应首先应用于优化我们的通信技术 -
17,778 - Use robotic self-repair to construct a building extending to geosynchronous orbit?
17,776 - Gravity Battery via Generator Pulleys
17,770 - Chromosome transplantation for correcting complex genomic disorders
17,770 - World's Likely a Simulation, So Look for Snapshots Subsystem
17,766 - Lighter-Than-Air Accelerator from Stacked Balloons
17,764 - "The “Sponsored Loans Program” – How to Mobilize Private Sector into Global Development"
17,764 - "Social Conditionality in Patents: Achieving a Paradigm Change in Private Sector Participation"
17,764 - "Planetary Condominium: the legal framework for the Common Home of Humanity"
17,764 - "Insurance-based Global Governance"
17,764 - "Global Governance by Cooperative Communities"
17,764 - "Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century"
17,764 - "Evolutionary Organisation"
17,764 - "Emergent Dynamic Governance Ecosystems (EDGE project)"
17,764 - "Basic Tax Control"
17,764 - "AI-supported global governance through bottom-up deliberation"
17,764 - "A truly global partnership - helping the UN to do itself out of a job"
17,764 - "A Club-Based Model of Global Governance"
17,764 - "A (Simplified) Blockchain Approach to Non-Coercive, Decentralized Global Governance"
17,764 - "A Global League of Sustainable Cities"
17,763 - Automatic Ideas Collector and Synthesizer
17,754 - Court Of Law As An App
17,740 - Togetherism for Survival
Togetherism, as an abstraction of Communism and Democracy -
17,740 - Use Hawkes process to predict and prevent crime and conflicts as self-excitatory processes.
17,726 - "Smart Stalai" su iššokančiais šiaudeliais
Stalai, kurie leidžia mėgautis skysto pavidalo maistais -
17,715 - Consumer price breakdown requirement
17,672 - Infinity-Powered Stocks
17,668 - 星芯
宇宙飞船超小型化,以到达太阳之外的恒星。 -
17,663 - Make Anaesthetics Generally Available to Suffering Beings
17,661 - Space Elevator
17,661 - Fully Reusable Space Rocket
17,660 - Open-Source Tax
17,643 - Undirected Time
17,637 - Use rotating beam of light to bend timespace and travel in time
17,637 - 粒子望远镜
17,637 - ClipText
A text that visualizes itself. -
17,636 - 收集死亡因果图以防止死亡
从世界各地的医院收集医疗回溯信息,计算疾病风险的更深层原因,提供早期诊断和生活方式改变建议。 -
17,584 - 通用情报系统
17,574 - Consumer Investment Tax
17,522 - Persistent Locator by Interests and GPS Coordinates
17,497 - Energy Wallet
Create inter-blockchain wallet with time-complexity exchange based on difficulty of blocks, and associated expected energy to mine, and extinguish all cryptos with a more fundamental unit of value: measured time-complexity itself. -
17,494 - WeFindX Ontology to Understand Web Content
17,471 - Public-Benefit Purpose Group NDAs
17,462 - Internet Browser
All ports, all protocols Internet browser. Open ports and support protocols to direct browsing of databases, and other internet resources, make web browsers support accessing them directly and nicely. -
17,322 - Resampling Summarizer for Social Media
Simply resample the social stream, using the auto-summarization algorithm as resampling function. -
17,320 - Network of Functions
Document the world's entities like we document the functions of code, and build their network. -
17,127 - Long-Term Blood Catheters
17,118 - Solar-Powered Cryonics Storage Facility
17,113 - Regressively miniaturize prosthetic hands, and employ people via VR to control them
17,029 - Open Distributed Scientific Annotations Cloud
Each reader of scientific paper can publish their annotations to a distributed public annotations cloud, others can load as they read, and discuss. -
17,013 - Cortical Cryonics
17,001 - Mod-Laws of Physics
Try to change the laws of physics, and verify if we are at base reality or not. -
16,999 - Air Cabon to Diamonds Converter for Cities
16,968 - A Numeric Code to Refer to Goals and Ideas, etc.
Design a code name system to refer to goals and ideas, easy to use in any language. -
16,949 - 高中开设医学学科
16,946 - Keep super-greenhouse gas store?
16,925 - Tagfixes
Property tags -- tags to refer to properties of topics in social conversations -
16,924 - Homepage 2.0
16,922 - PVC juostų užuolaidos energijos taupymui
Šiltas kambarėlis komfortiškam mokslui ir darbui dideliam šaltam kambary. -
16,921 - Go back to Glass, Ceramic & Metal Packaging, and Eliminate Landfills
16,916 - Inductively heated clothing
16,914 - Supermarketų muziejus
Kitų šalių komercijos patirtys kaip eksponatai namuose. -
16,900 - Cryo-Cymatics
Control temperature with microwaves and use ultrasound to control crystallization -
16,897 - Mobile browser plugin to synchronize controls (e.g., scrolling and thumb location)
16,883 - On-line courses based on basic-income
Connect basic income with on-line course providers, and profit -
16,878 - Ordinary Substances, +Concentrated
16,860 - Cryopresservation
Cryopreserve at high pressure, and avoid fracturing of tissue (?) -
16,860 - Aldehyde-like non-toxic fixative
16,860 - Emergency Non-cryo Head Preservation Device
16,857 - Use skin cells to kill cancer
16,857 - Adaptive growth control
16,853 - Optimizer for Our Dream
16,814 - Counteract entropy to reverse time
Evolve intelligence, and hope that it will eventually reverse time. -
16,814 - Simulate universe ex-nihilo
Assume nothingness, and derive everything from it. -
16,811 - all-social-data
16,803 - WikiResearch
16,801 - High Quality Open Source Video Editing Software
16,800 - Web Synchronization of Video Player Controls
16,796 - 建立自维持的深海人类殖民地
在水下深处建造城市,以减少自然灾难事件导致灭绝的可能性。 -
16,767 - Use Mealworms to Degrade Plastic
16,766 - Low Tech Mode
A mode in which social systems operate without electricy -
16,749 - Mikro-kambariai
Jei iš putoplasto sukonstruotum mažesnius kambarius kambario viduje, tai jų kubatūra būtų mažesnė, ir mažiau oro reikėtų šildyti. -
16,720 - Mosquito-Sensing Alarms in Rooms
16,718 - Left Lobe Extension
The neural interface to connect our minds into one, and extend our creative, and problem-solving capacity. -
16,717 - Ultrasound 3D-Printing Tumor Burning
16,717 - Sequence Cancer DNA and Do Drug Search
16,716 - Use DNA Nano-Robots to Recognize and Release Drugs
16,716 - Detect micro-RNAs like oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
16,716 - 设计分子以模拟或抑制microRNA,如癌基因和肿瘤抑制基因。
16,715 - Mobile Remote Surgery Room
16,710 - 胶囊酒店式通用蜂巢车
创建一个可以像蜂巢细胞一样互连成更大的多功能结构的框架并获益 -
16,707 - Immunopheresis
Remove blood of decoys which cancer cells use to hide from immune system, and get immune system attack cancer cells on its own. -
16,707 - Design Viruses That Affects Only Cancer Cells?
16,696 - Sentry for Human Body
Use a similar approach to what high-availability software systems use. -
16,694 - 三维教学迷宫游戏
适用于学生的3D游戏:学习内容在房间,解决问题解锁门。 -
16,690 - Emergency Flying Blood Pumps
16,665 - 金融智囊团("Fintank")
Public self-explanatory, inter-lingual, financial, programmable, hierarchical think-tank
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