Subscribe Query, demand, category, domain, a concept, goal, problem, question or an interest.
+4 |(19,087) Programmatic Access and Control: How to build generic programmatic access solution to help people scale thinking and doing? (6, +) [en]
+2 |(19,124) Work aggregation and work pattern matching: Everyday 7 billion people do something in their average day. Someone needs to decide what these people do and some of it is intellectual and some is physical. Why isn't customer service perfect? Surely there is enough people to do the work. Why can't I phone government or my bank and my problems be resolved instantly over the phone. There must be a system that everyone could use that allows the work that each person does to satisfy the needs of multiple people. I propose work items are created and matched to others that have similar patterns. We could combine jobs and information together so that someone on the way somewhere also does other tasks that help others that have similar problems. If I am doing some work on a computer, this work must match patterns of someone else's work on the computer. (2, +) [en]
+2 |(18,842) Polycrisis in the Anthropocene: How does one solve the polycrisis in the Anthropocene in a timely manner? (2, +) [en]
+2 |(19,123) Document based databases: How should we use document based databases? (4, +) [en]
+2 |(18,341) Low-Energy Websites (3, +) [en]
+2 |(18,462) Geomagnetic storms: How to manage the risk of wide range electronics outage? (3, +) [en, cn]
+2 |(19,160) Choosing Nootropics: How to optimize choice of smart drugs, individually? (5, +) [en]
+2 |(18,636)
The Scandal of Money: There is no objective measure for value, like physical units: meter, second, ampere, etc. How to create an objective measure of money? (6, +) [en]
+2 |(19,694) Benefitting everybody as much as possible: How can we benefit everybody as much as possible? Shouldn't our aim in society to benefit everybody? (2, +) [en]
+2 |(18,655) How to Distribute HURS?: How do we distribute HOURS in a way that is not HACKABLE yet values the work of an individual? (13, +) Base Administration [en]
+2 |(18,655) Global Songs (3, +) [en]
+2 |(19,191) Metaphorical programming: I feel that abstractions in programming are not powerful enough. What we really want to program with is metaphors. So I imagine complicated systems visualised a network of pipes like a circuit board. And I can introduce the metaphor of cars driving around a network. A loop is a depot that produces cars around a circuit. You can have visibility and observability of a system by rendering dataflow visually. (0, +) [en]
+2 |(18,630) Boredom: Boredom is a menace, stealing joy from people since the beginning of time (5, +) [en]
+2 |(18,342)
Co-Existence Philosophy (6, +) [en]
+2 |(18,375)
All Life-Centered Design: Design Methods with All Living Species in Mind, Not Only Users (4, +) [en]
+2 |(19,004) Shift in Human Values from Input to Output: How could humans balance attention? (2, +) [en]
+2 |(18,860)
Ecosystem of Organizations: How can we spark a Ecosystem of organizations? (17, +) [en]
+2 |(18,574) Reading Sources: What do you want to read next? (7, +) Base Administration [en]
+2 |(18,853) Nature friendly cities: Why are buildings so anti nature ? (2, +) [en]
+2 |(18,827)
Environmental justice aspects of the (un)intended consequences of AI: What is the socio-ecological impact of AI-enabled systems? (5, +) [en]
+2 |(19,100) Raising awareness of Infinity family: How do we bring people toward Infinity family? (6, +) [en]
+1 |(19,098) Networking with Futurists Communities: How might we discover futurists communities and connect with Infinity Family? (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,853)
Optimum Health: What does body need to heal naturally? (1, +) [en]
+1 |(19,107)
Truly personal computation: Bill Gates wanted to put a desktop computer into every home (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,504) Thinking Culture: How to move from no-thinking to insight? (5, +) [en]
+1 |(19,092) Some people are takers and don't give back: When I look at publicly provided services that are free is that they are underfunded and exploited. As people take advantage of what can be taken for free. Free and fair things benefits everyone as it raises the tide of all boats. But some people take advantage. (0, +) [en]
+1 |(19,111) (A+xB)/C = y: An algorithm to find x, when A, B, C and y are integers. (1, +) [en]
+1 |(19,107) Is time obsolete - cont.: Are currencies the new "hours"? (0, +) [en]
+1 |(19,107) Questioning the reality of time amidst current TRANSITIONS, is time Obsolete?: Are "hours" valid for currency? do hours have their own currencies? (1, +) [en]
+1 |(19,137) Life scalability: The paradox of the economy means that a large portion of society shall be poor as they won't provide more benefits than they cost. The capitalist system means that you need to provide a lot of value added benefit to lots of individuals to profit. In other words there is a scalability problem to providing for yourself (1, +) [en]
+1 |(19,196)
Active investment gives poor returns: Actively managed investments rarely return more than the whole market. It's almost as if intelligence doesn't help Active investment is the act of researching companies and initiatives and deciding what to invest in. Unfortunately the returns from this activity are less than investing in index funds. Index funds represent a bit of everything or the whole market. Ironically an index is actively decided upon, the criteria to be included in the index is a decision. Some companies enter or leave an index based on revenue or other criteria. (0, +) [en]
+1 |(18,654) Beautiful Questions: What questions are worth asking? (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,697) Definition of Life: What is the universal definition of a Living System? (5, +) [en]
+1 |(19,090) Sea vs Boat Mindset: Be asocial copycats or crediting idea recyclers? (4, +) [en]
+1 |(19,078) Rewarding and tracking good: Why is the only unit of measurement money? Why are we not measuring love or good done? (1, +) [en]
+1 |(19,125)
Safer world: We can change the world to be safer (0, +) [en]
+1 |(18,870) UX at oo: What user experiences and UIs do we imagine at oo? (2, +) Base Administration [en]
+1 |(19,170) Decentralised automated organisations: How do we create a decentralised automated organisation (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,402) 淘汰汽车运输系统 (2, +) [cn]
+1 |(18,337) Access To Know-How: Ensuring Access To Know-How (5, +) [en, lt]
+1 |(18,659)
Meta-Biomimicry: If human is part of Living System and is one itself, so what are General Principles to mimic when designing a human world? (8, +) [en]
+1 |(18,845) Self-Organised Learning Communities: What's the optimum size for a learning group? (6, +) [en]
+1 |(19,088)
Empowering Humans to Think and Decide (5, +) [en]
+1 |(18,991)
Artifcial Blood: How to create artificial blood? (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,891) Resilience to the worst of humanity: The average person is selfish, greedy, not very intelligent and an emotionally stunted illogical thinker. How can any economic system win the support of the majority if these things are true (5, +) [en]
+1 |(18,868) Autonomous agents: What work can autonomous programs do for us? (3, +) [en]
+1 |(18,871) True Co-Operation: How to spark a co-operation between people and projects? (5, +) [en]
+1 |(18,698) Most people are underpaid: How to collect the maximum that the market can bear for work? (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,830) The Liquidity of School Grades: Kids and students are actually selling their work at schools for grades, which are not a liquid asset. How can we make it a liquid asset? (3, +) [en]
+1 |(18,987)
An economic system that frees humanity from unnecessary suffering and meaningless work (9, +) [en]
+1 |(18,846) Poverty of care: People don't care about what we're doing to try improve the world, most people don't care about anything outside their own families (1, +) [en]
+1 |(19,179) Coordination problem: How to solve problems as groups of people (0, +) [en]
+1 |(18,959) Discovery Methods for Living Systems: What new methods would help explore consciousness of other beings? (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,325) Nuclear Weapons: How to prevent nuclear war and nuclear winter from happening? (2, +) [en, cn, lt]
+1 |(18,915) Integrating education and industry: Education and job hiring should be integrated. We have a complicated endeavour - rocket science, food and industrial logistics, browser engines, search engines - people should be funelled into positions from school. No job interviews (2, +) [en]
+1 |(19,090) Wrong people doing the things and right people doing the wrong things: We have cars and smartphones and yet have poverty and difficulty of being, mental health problems - surely poverties and mental health problems are more tractable than building an advanced robotic car factory, smartphone or launching things into space. (0, +) [en]
+1 |(18,893)
Guaranteed Profitibility: Profitability determines whether or not some thing gets done (2, +) [en]
+1 |(19,219) Distributed command and coordination: How does a loosely organised group of people get work done? (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,841)
Automated API traversal - program synthesis: If computers could code interactions with systems for us, we wouldn't have to write code, they could interoperate automatically (3, +) [en]
+1 |(19,127) Visualize or visible demand: How to cause demand to be visible to others in society (0, +) [en]
+1 |(18,845)
Syntropy and Living Systems: How might we design living systems that increase syntropy rather than participate in building more efficient entropy machines to exterminate and replace life on Earth? (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,325)
Meta standard for data reusability: Create a Meta-standard to Maximize Reusability and Interoperability of All Data and Systems (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,777) Computation for normal people: What do normal people need to compute? (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,421) Humanity's goals and AI: How to empower humans to systematically define collective goals? (3, +) [en, cn]
+1 |(18,823)
Oceans Language: How can oceans communicate between them and us, humans? (4, +) [en]
+1 |(18,987)
Humans as Community: How to move away from "I" thinking to "WE" thinking? (11, +) [en]
+1 |(18,320) Making academic research papers easy to discuss on-line (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,680) Mind Uploading: How to carry out mind upload practically? Any ways to do it without losing identity? (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,507) Care-based futures: What kind of futures do Keystone Species imagine? (1, +) [en]
+1 |(19,087) Window/tab merge: Why do you have multiple tabs open? The answer is that you're cross referencing in your head. Why not let the computer do it? (4, +) [en]
+1 |(18,324) Ensuring Safe Arrival of Technological Singularity (2, +) [en, lt]
+1 |(18,768) Not everything should be free (2, +) [en]
+1 |(19,083) People twist: People in different companies across organisations are running according to some plan or set of instructions - how do we change behaviours across organisations and groups to achieve common goals (14, +) [en]
+1 |(19,162) Inter-Ontological Concepts for Inter-App Synchronization: How to avoid reinventing app models and ontology concepts, and reuse existing work on them across software ecosystems and ontologies? (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,324) Creating Deep Connections and Love in Society (2, +) [en, lt]
+1 |(18,654) People often talk about solutions in conferences, but don't collect them for action afterwards (6, +) [en]
+1 |(18,845)
Metaphysical Gravity: Is love the metaphysical gravity that is the core attribute of life’s meaning, coherence, and creative power? (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,533) Apocalypse technology: How do we create technologies that could survive apocalypse, and allow people to restore civilization? (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,908)
SolarPunk Future: How could we imagine the future and describe it in detail in our stories? (10, +) [en]
+1 |(18,884) Embodied Imagination Training: How to learn to imagine but also to synthesise and prototype, all in one experience? (3, +) [en]
+1 |(18,375) Social real-time data sharing (1, +) [en, lt]
+1 |(18,320) Discovering people with shared interests as we browse the real world (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,320) Make sure everyone meets basic needs (0, +) [en]
+1 |(19,268) Extreme Health: Why should health improvement ever stop? (6, +) [en]
+1 |(18,512) Prototyping systems: How to create a micro system in a real world? (4, +) [en, cn]
+1 |(18,843) Sound of Living Systems: Is there a similarity between ocean's noise, human heartbeat and golden ratio? (6, +) [en]
+1 |(18,631) Casual education: How to make education digestible without people realising it. (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,654)
Web Apps Integration: Integration of Project Management Tools and Visual Page Builders (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,504) Future Tribes: What identities would connect people of the future? (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,884) Energy crisis: What if we run out of energy? So no more efficient fossil fuels (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,428) Uniting behind goals: How to make society unite behind goals? (3, +) [en, cn]
+1 |(18,326) Supply Chain Security (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,739) Self hosting: How to make hosting computer systems so easy that anybody can do it? (3, +) [en]
+1 |(18,336) Preventing New Epidemics (2, +) [en, cn]
+1 |(18,881)
Making Sure We Use Time Effectively: How to make sure that we maximize utility of our time? (9, +) [en, cn]
+1 |(18,826)
Capitalism: What's right and what's wrong with capitalism (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,484) Conflict of Interest: How to solve conflicts of interest (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,383) Preventing Engineered Sleeper Virus (3, +) [en]
+1 |(18,536) Data Liquidity and Systems Interoperability: How to automate alignment and management of complex heterogenous data and systems? (1, +) [en, cn]
+1 |(18,636) Regenerative Creation: ¿Qué procesos existen sobre creación regenerativa? (1, +) [es]