Koronaviruso plitimo mažinimas Lietuvoje : Kaip sumažinti koronaviruso plitimą Lietuvoje?
The unfair database :
A database of unfairness
Data hub :
Personal data stored on user's own machine, accessed by API
Work hours to include commuting time :
Working on the train
Rendering engine complexity : The web is now more complicated than any individual can manage
Data Attestations :
I assert and agree that this data may be used for business purposes
Privacy : How do we enforce privacy?
对电梯摄像头要说的话 :
Stopping rent seeking : Rent seeking is extractive of the economy and should be discouraged, how?
Meet-Ambulance Taxi Service :
Make a moving target as a possible destination address, and twice reduce the help arrival times.
Women leadership movement :
Involve women to leadership movements to reduce birth rate
模拟恒星光谱的灯 :
Oximergency, Co. :
Providing community members with security and safety through Oximeters.
Cookie cutter society
Super-Budget Cryonics at Home :
Use consumer-grade freezer to have a shot in future resurrection: burying heads in house refrigerators instead of graves. (Why? Cause mammoth brains structurally okay-ish.)
Overpopulation : How to avoid densely populated areas
Sam's Ideas :
To come up with ideas until we find the idea we want to work on
Reflectoputer :
A program for personal computers that builds compressed model of their user, by observing and compressing data about them, and asking questions to understand the user, to help user automate what the user does, to become like deep mirrors of the user.
Reading Sources : What do you want to read next?
Base Administration
Post Kubernetes world : What does the post kubernetes world look like technologically?
Pendulum Transport :
Reinventing the pendulum (as in "reinventing the wheel)
Human Area :
Take the regions of international conflict, and declare them human areas belonging to no country.
Eradicating commuting : How to remove commuting from most people's frame of experience
Business cloud :
Provisioning reality with code
Intelli-Grafiti! :
Nudažius šaligatvius, pavadinus gatves, stoteles ir miesto sienas moksliniais futuristiniais raktažodžiais būtų galima skatinti piliečių modernų mąstymą.
Resampling Summarizer for Social Media :
Simply resample the social stream, using the auto-summarization algorithm as resampling function.
Data Liquidity and Systems Interoperability : How to automate alignment and management of complex heterogenous data and systems?
Commodification of all things except for queries : Is commodification a good thing?
Ethical advertising : We should want to advertise what we do to eachother
Apocalypse technology : How do we create technologies that could survive apocalypse, and allow people to restore civilization?
Great Index of Roles :
An index of every job role that needs to be done for modern society
Gamified Dynamic Pathogen Risk Maps :
Pedestrian maps to show risk gradient clouds in color patterns in real time, like Ingress "exotic matter" and gamify Covid-19 avoidance.
Elektroninė studijų birža :
Sukūrus elektroninės registracijos į paskaitas ir užsiėmimus sistemą, galima būtų sudaryti sąlygas kūrybai ir inovacijoms.
Surplus thought tank :
A research organisation that looks for surplus available in the economic system
Create a list of join queries that would be useful cross institutions :
In designing this data liquidity system, we should have some idea of the kinds of questions we want to answer
Default Interlingual Synsets :
Assign default token for defined meanings in every language. Give a prefix to them, and use them to make LID.
Bacterias and Energy : How do bacterias influence our emotions and energy levels?
CyberPub :
Social networking at its finest!
Advertising as a function of wants :
There are adverts I am interested in receiving, I should have an inbox for them
Prototyping systems : How to create a micro system in a real world?
Linked love :
Microtransactions for things that we love
Shortage of money : Your local council lacks funding, your local companies lack funding to do improvement works
Make generic manifestos of what all people want :
Everybody generally wants the same things
Scientific reproducibility crisis : How to ensure that code written in science is reproducible
Care-based futures : What kind of futures do Keystone Species imagine?
Thinking Culture : How to move from no-thinking to insight?
Personal data collection for learning : We have the means to query data in interesting ways
Is consumerism bad? : I think consumerism is a good thing
Unity application :
Quiz people to find their variables, then match people up with the same variables